Monday, August 4, 2014

Ya znayu, chto Yevangeliye istinno...(I know the Gospel is True)

The first Sunday of each month provides each member of the LDS church the opportunity to fast for 3 meals.  This isn't starvation.  Each of us prays and fasts for a purpose.  It may be personal or family needs or extending outward to  those who have specific concerns. Usually several needs. Fasting and prayer have been a part of the Lord's church since biblical times.  Christ, when asked by His apostles why they couldn't perform a particular miracle, explained that some things can only be affected by fasting and prayer.

A few years ago, my then 90 year old  mother was told by her doctor that she must not fast.  I was visiting and noticed that she was not eating.  When confronted, she sheepishly admitted, "I know but I so want to".  She had seen and felt so much from faithful fasting and prayer.
Forty years earlier, we all witnessed a  miracle.  Doctors had given up on her defective heart.  It had been steadily weakening since her teen age years.  The only option left was to petition the Lord to intervene in our behalf.  Mom's heart was miraculously healed through a family wide fast.  It beat steadily on for another 40 years.

 On this first Sunday, each congregation comes together as fasting, praying saints for a testimony meeting.  We are  given the opportunity to express the power of God in our lives.  It is a time to strengthen our own faith and bless and encourage others.  We are encouraged to bear "pure testimony"; the sure knowledge that God lives, Jesus is the Christ, Joseph Smith restored the gospel to the earth, the Book of Mormon is true and any other truths we have learned through the power of the Holy Ghost.  As we bear testimony, these truths are sealed in our hearts and burned in our souls.  For those who hear, The Spirit of Christ, which each mortal carries, is touched and each of us is strengthened.

Yesterday, in our August testimony meeting, I listened intently to these Russian saints as they, one by one, spoke of the things that were closest to their hearts.  I know just enough Russian to get the gist of some things.

 Over and over, I heard the same phrase, "Ya znau, chto..." (I know that...), followed by "Iisus Khristos zhiv",(Jesus Christ lives), "Dzhozef Smit vosstan"Iovil Yevangeliye Krista (Joseph Smith restored the gospel of Christ", or "Kniga Mormona istinna" (the Book of Mormon is true), etc.

We know most of these saints in the Zelenograd Ward well enough to connect with some of their stories.  There were lots of young people, fresh from Youth Conference,  strengthened in testimony and knowledge.  Young Adults, heading off for their own conference.

Several elderly people, sharing again the joy they found in these later years in the gospel.  My sweet friend, Olga, radiant in faith as she begins a new chapter of her life as a single parent of 4 beautiful daughters.  So many that we love, feeling the hope and peace of the gospel.

Even though I didn't know all that they said, the spirit was the same as any other Testimony meeting I have participated in over my many decades in the church.  I marvel.  How did such mature gospel understanding and application come to these people in 20 short years?

We are here for just 18 months.  How much can anyone really accomplish in such a short time?  But, I realize that we are just building on the teaching and testimony of many, many other missionaries.  It's very much a tag-team relay.  We pick up and do what we can, then the baton is passed   The Lord is truly guiding and building His kingdom from our meager efforts.

I knew the day would come when we would look homeward and I also knew I would not be ready.  A wonderful couple from Ft. Collins, Colorado,  Elder and Sister Goodell, have been called to replace us in a few months.  We still have much to do and we know the timing is right.  How blessed we are to be part of this work!  We see so much happiness in those who truly come to Christ.

This week, we visited another amazing  CES missionary couple who recently arrived in Riga, Latvia. This is the fourth mission for Elder and Sister Atkinson and they have hit the ground running.  It is so inspiring to see how the Lord is using these good people to reach these precious youth.

Riga is a very old, beautiful city.  We fell in love with the magic of Old Town.  It is a city with more statues to poets than generals.  So lovely.

Here in Moscow, our beautiful ladies are out on the "porch" again every evening.  These are jolly, huggy best friends.  They now have a gentleman joining them much of the time.  They all chatter away at us as if we understood them.  We are all laughing but have no idea why. They could be laughing at us and that's just fine. We love them.

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