Sunday, August 10, 2014

Love vs.fear

I once heard a world famous soprano address a group of university students before her vocal performance.  She explained that there are really only two emotions-love and fear.  As she sang to them, she had a choice, she could allow her motivation  to be  one of fear (what will they think of me?  Am I good enough?   What will this do for my career?).   Or she could be motivated by her great love for them.  As she connected with these young people through beautiful music, it was clear that she was succeeding in her desire to join with them in great love.

I have thought of this many times.  I always have the choice to retreat in fear or go forth boldly in love.  In our missionary service, I am always inspired by these  brave saints who have accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ and have built their lives on a firm foundation of His love.

A member of a Stake Presidency here in Russia, Sasha, shared his conversion story.  At the fall of the Soviet Union, his mother had a great desire to learn about many different religions.  After attending several services, she told her 2 young sons and husband that they needed to go with her to one that had a very different feeling from the others.  They attended and felt "at home" and sensed truth and light .
 Sasha, his brother and mother began meeting with the young LDS missionaries who taught them the gospel.  The young men idolized the missionaries and knew their message was true.  The father wanted nothing to do with it and, in fact, attended the baptism of his wife and sons with a loaded gun in his pocket.  If this "cult" was going to do something terrible to his family, he would be ready.  Seven years later, Sasha's father was ready for baptism himself and the family has continued to grow and serve.  Both sons served faithful missions and are building eternal families.

One of our good friends, Igor,  grew up as the descendant of several generations of highly decorated Russian and Soviet military men.  As the son of a high ranking Soviet Air Force officer, he was in training to become a fighter pilot.   He knew all about American military equipment and was prepared for possible battle.  Things changed after the fall of the Soviet Union and Igor decided to be the first in many generations to pursue opportunities outside of the military.  Now with a lovely wife, Sveta, and a little daughter, he met his first Americans, two missionaries.

Igor recalls that they were the most "worthy and clean" people he had ever met. " I knew I wanted to know what they knew."  He found answers and feelings he had never felt before.  "I felt joy and great hope.  I had peace.  I saw light and something better in the future.  For the first time in my life, I prayed.  I knew it was right."  Igor and Sveta were baptized together and have served in leadership positions for many years.

The love and selfless service of these inspiring missionaries blesses so many others but it changes them as well.  We have been here long enough to see inevitable growth and power and each faithful servant of the Lord experiences.  We also see how they are blessed as they replace fear with great love. \
(On Saturday,We were blessed to be involved with the teaching of three great investigators.)

This week we witnessed a couple of small miracles.  One provided a much-loved elder with badly needed shoes and the other saved me from  total humiliation (and maybe arrest for indecent exposure).

We emailed this story to our children earlier so you guys can skip it if you would like, but I want to record it to make sure I don't forget it.

On Wednesday Elder Pierson looked at his comfy black loafers and realized that he didn't need these shoes.  The image came into his mind of Elder G, who had been in our district but was now who knew where.  We hadn't seen him in weeks.
  Responding to the promptings of the spirit, he packed them with our stuff and we hauled them to the office.  To our surprise, the adjoining office, which houses the Moscow Mission, was bustling with elders and sisters who had arrived for monthly leadership meeting.  There was always- happy Elder G, fresh from the train.
  Elder P invited Elder G into our office and asked him about his shoes.  Elder G.  admitted that his shoes "broke" a few days ago.  He showed Elder P. what he is now wearing in this Moscow heat-his winter boots.

The black dress shoes fit perfectly and are "way comfortable".  He was so excited and so were we!
We all shed tears but Elder G. didn't seem really surprised.  He just hugged Elder P and kept saying, "I just love you guys!"
All of these missionaries have sure knowledge that the Lord is aware of their needs and they will be blessed.

My barely- averted total embarrassment occurred yesterday on the escalator leading to the metro.  Elder Pierson was right behind me and I was madly waving at the attendant (one of our favorites)in the booth at the bottom.  As we were mid-way in our descent, I felt a strong tug on the back of my long knit skirt.  I reached back to pull it up.  To my horror, the escalator was eating my skirt!  Neither of us could yank it loose.  Quick prayers.  As we neared the bottom, my skirt was released from the metal teeth A bit tattered by my modesty was retained.  Miracles are not just for young missionaries.

As I ask the missionaries what miracles they see in their service, they each roll their eyes and admit that they don't know where to start.  There are so many and they happen every single day.  We are each doing our best to serve with love.

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