Sunday, August 17, 2014

Yasnaya Polyana and the Tale of Two Sisters

For those of us who have loved the writings of Leo Tolstoy, an excursion through his beloved plantation, Yasnaya Polyana, near Tula, Russia,  is breath-taking.  Strolling the lanes, breathing the apple-scented air and feeling the musty closeness of his library and study is to go back more than 100 years.  It is not hard to see in our mind's eye  multitudes of children (he and his wife, Sophia, had 13, plus children of estate workers) climbing trees, sledding hills, and racing down the wide boulevards.  Our missionaries were wonderful interpreters and we enjoyed our day with a dedicated missionary couple, Elder and Sister Vandry.

These dear saints of the Zelenograd Ward have become great friends.  Saturday, we enjoyed a lovely "blini" dinner and evening with two wonderful families, united decades ago through the marriage of Galia and Nikolai.  When they married, in 1984, each had a daughter.  Natasha, Galia's daughter was 8.  Nikolai, a widower, had a daughter, Olga, just turned 7.  For the girls, it was sisterhood-at-first-sight.  They bonded instantly and forever.  They spent every moment together and at least on 2 occasions, saved each other from very dangerous situations.

As 15-16 year olds, they shared an excitement and curiosity about the many churches bidding for their attention.  They attended many, each church claiming a corner on "truth".  When a friend of Galia's ask if she knew anyone who would like to hear a message about Jesus Christ from her church, Galia said, "Oh, my daughters are very interested in religions".  An appointment with missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was set but the girls disappeared.  They had heard negative stories about the church and hoped to skip the meeting.  However, they returned with the missionaries still there.

The girls were intrigued by the message and even more by the challenge to pray for themselves about the truth of the message they had been taught.  As they studied and prayed, they knew it was true and were baptized.  Six years later, their parents joined them in making that sacred covenant.

They actively participated in youth seminary and Young Women activities and grew in testimony.  Natasha served a mission and both married in the temple after obtaining university degrees.

As children they had dreamed and planned of their adjoining future homes.  We saw the realization of that dream when we visited their homes.  Large back yards, joined by a wooden fence with a gate that would not be necessary if Natasha's husky dog wasn't so frightened by Olga's 3 cats.  Natasha and her husband, Vladimar have 3 daughters and Olga has 4.  Girls everywhere.  Trampoline covered with dolls and all that go with them.  It is truly a child's wonderland.

As with all of us, life rarely goes according to plan.  Olga is now a single mother and her father, Nikolai lives with her and her girls.  Galia, Natasha's mother,  lives just behind that house with Natasha and Vladimar and their daughters.

The love and support these people give to each other is wonderful to see.  Olga, Natasha, and Vladimar are business partners in a very successful creative company.  They have combined their talents to produce the most beautiful greeting cards I have ever seen.  They work, play, pray and support each other in everything they do.  Because it is a family enterprise, the children are part of the effort and everyone is talking and laughing...all the time.

Olga and Natasha know that they were joined as sisters before this life and they will enjoy that bond forever.

Olga, Galia, Natalia and Vladimar and our fabulous "blini" pancakes.

In spite of her challenges, Olga remains optimistic and happy.  She told me today that it is the gospel of Jesus Christ that brings her such great joy.  She knows God is aware of her and her sweet daughters and that she is being blessed.  This is what sustains each of us.

Elder Pierson with his "buddy", Tonya.  They have so much fun together.

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