Sunday, August 24, 2014

Macro/micro & Fun on Red Square

Years ago, our family was enthralled by a museum exhibit showing the micro and the macro.  Before our gaze, we looked at the earth as the camera moved deeper and  deeper, into the very tiny molecules of an object.  After exposing the tiniest element, it reversed.  It began pulling back, farther and farther, rapidly expanding until we were shown the majesty of the universe.  Both revealed important scientific truths. Amazing.

I thought of the micro and the macro this week as we said good-bye to a missionary couple whose service was quite different from ours.  The Lord called them to spend their entire 18 months in a medium -sized Russian city, far away from any larger city or other senior missionaries.  They spent long days building testimonies and serving the needs of a relatively small branch of the church.  This was intense, emotional, faith-building work with mostly new members.  They were also a huge support for the young missionaries.

  They didn't get the fun and support we get from the 30 plus Moscow-based missionary couples.  No hanging out at Red Square every Saturday.  No Bolshoi or inspiring opera, museum tours or folk dancing concerts.  No dinner parties in great restaurants or apartments.  They were in the trenches, supporting, loving, testifying, serving in a very micro way.  They were laying a foundation of strength upon which others will build.  Plus, they worked much harder on their Russian than we have.

We, as I mentioned, are having a different experience.  We love our large, well-organized, highly functioning Zelenograd Ward.  We have made great friendships that we intend to keep forever.  We also travel a lot to fascinating cities, serving other couples like us.  Our service involves a larger focus.  We are more macro.

Is one experience better than another?  I can't say but I did see how Elder and Sister Vandry have engraved themselves on the hearts of these good Saints.  So many tears were shed, on both sides, when they left.

We are all part of the great work of bringing souls to Christ but the work of the Vandrys was very hands-on and they can see tangible proof of their service.  Marriages that were in trouble were on solid footing,  testimonies were built and strengthened.   Temple covenants were made.  Lots of baptisms and lots and lots of teaching and loving.  This is intense, exhilarating and soul-to-soul work.

As we talked with Elder and Sister Vandry, each of us knew that we were where we were supposed to be, doing what the Lord had called us to do.  That is a joyous feeling and we each love our work.

Speaking of Red Square, yesterday afternoon we showed up to see what was going on and stumbled on a fabulous Equestrian show, featuring the Presidential horses and riders.  We had been there days earlier showing another couple around the city and saw them rehearse.  This was the preparation for the whole event!  Beautiful horses and triumphant Russian music.  The performance with the costumes was last night.
So exciting!

We love to check out the GUM, the absolutely fabulous Red Square Shopping center.  The theme changes monthly, featuring beauty and history.  Summer is the feature now and this is what we saw:

I am crazy about watermelon so I was in heaven.  Vintage Russian cars were on display on the gigantic aisles.

We took our ice cream cones outside to people watch.  The wide pedestrian avenues invite Moscovites (and lots of tourists) to stroll, shop and devour lots of ice cream on a hot day.

Stepping inside a charming courtyard, we watched art students sketching.  Moscow is full of fascinating finds.

We finished up with dinner at our favorite outdoor restaurant.  Totally fun day!

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