Monday, September 1, 2014

Had-a-sho, Had-a-sho! (All is well, All is well!)

By definition, a pioneer is someone who moves into unfamiliar territory.  It may be a new land, new techniques or new beliefs and lifestyle.
Saturday evening, we had the joy of watching dozens of young people celebrating their own "pioneering".  They gathered together to kick off the coming year of institute study.  They will be delving into the Doctrine and Covenants, modern day scripture, and learning about the history of our
church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We believe that the Lord's church was restored to the earth by Christ himself.  We are blessed to be guided by continuing revelation.

The amazingly gifted youth re-created scenes, songs, games, food and scenery recalling events that happened 9,000 miles and 165 years ago.   The Mormon pioneers trekked across several states, withstood deprivation of every kind, forsaking homeland, often family and what comforts they had been used to.  All to follow the faith they knew was true.  The moved forward with faith, setting a foundation for a mighty work.

Similarly, these young people are forging a new path.  Even those whose parents embraced the gospel are establishing a strong base for the church in Russia.  They are doing exactly the same work as those pioneers in far away America.  We are blessed to know them and are excited and confident of their ability to move through their own challenges and those the church may face in the future.  They are clear-eyed, confident happy people.

They had "hand carts", covered wagons, prairie dresses and bonnets (one young friend came into the church with bits of linen haphazardly sewn together.  In frustration she turned it over to me.  She had no idea what a pioneer bonnet is supposed to look like and I have made about a million.  It was fun to help her out.

Inspiring to hear them sing with all of their hearts the Pioneer anthem, "Come, Come, Ye Saints" with the rousing chorus, "Ha Da Sho! (All is Well)"  We love these kids!
And Adam, Cassie and Jedd made it to Moscow!   Fun times ahead!

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