Monday, September 22, 2014

Joy in Siberia

The climate in Moscow is rarely described as temperate but compared to Siberia, it is pretty mild.
Even at this, the autumnal equinox, the leaves are changing color and there is a briskness to the air.
It is invigorating and beautiful.

 We ventured to Novosibirsk (New Siberia), the capital of the oblast (state) to meet with several of our CES missionary couples.  They serve in cities all around the area.  Some were on the train for 12 hours one way to get to Novosibirsk.  They are great people who love the youth.  They came to teach and to be taught.  They are inspiring and always happy.

In Novosibirsk, we met some wonderful young people.  We spent time with Victor, a fine young man who is leaving in just a few days for his mission training in Madrid, Spain.  After a few weeks of preparation, he will head off for his two years of service to the Lord in Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.

 Aleksandr (Sasha), the CES Coordinator for the area, who was also our host for the conference, told us about Victor, an impressive young man, before we met him.  Victor has completed his undergraduate education plus two years of military service. In the army,  he was assigned to a very prestigious special forces unit, where he served with distinction.  Sasha has known Victor and his family for years and he shared another amazing fact.  A few years ago, Victor was run over by a street car and was given up for dead.

Sasha became concerned when Victor, always on time for Seminary, failed to arrive.  Sasha was his teacher.  He tried Victor's cell phone 3 times before a doctor answered and told Sasha what had happened.  Sasha led his seminary students in prayer for Victor, then they all headed for the hospital.  Sasha and Victor's mother were allowed to see the comatose Victor.  Sasha and another priesthood leader used their priesthood power to bless Victor.  At the end of the prayer, they heard a deep "Amen" from the patient.  From that time forward, Victor amazed everyone by his recovery.  The first thing he asked for when he regained consciousness was to have someone read from the book of Alma in the Book of Mormon.  He devoured scripture in the ensuing months as he completely recovered.  The always-obedient and kind "good boy" became a man of great maturity.   He and Sasha share an eternal bond.

Sasha, himself, has a wonderful story.  He is the first in 4 generations, on each side of his family to  follow a non-military career path.  Growing up as a descendant of several generations of highly-decorated Russian and Soviet military men, Sasha's focus, even as a boy was to learn to battle Americans, even though he had never met one.  As a young husband and father, he was also training at the Russian Air Force Academy to become a fighter pilot.

All of that changed when he answered a knock at his door and for the first time met two Americans, young Mormon missionaries.  As he and his beautiful wife, Yulia, learned the truths of the gospel, they knew it was all true.  Now the parents of 6 children (very unusual in Russia), they are beacons of faith and testimony to so many in Siberia.  Sasha is not only employed by the church to guide the youth in religious studies but he is also president of the Novosibirsk district, one of the largest in the world, geographically.  He and his family are tireless and happy workers as they help build the Lord's kingdom in Siberia.

We were delighted when we arrived for church on Sunday in Novosibirsk to be greeted by "our Nadya", now Sis.Koshelevana, serving the Lord as one fabulous missionary.  Nadya and her twin sister, Luba, are dear to us.   Luba is still here in Moscow, working away and  supporting family. They miss each other a lot but both are faithfully serving.
When we saw Nadya in church, we all cried.    Nadya said she thinks that this is how it will be in the world to come as we greet and love those we have missed for so long.  We so love both of these amazing girls.

We enjoy working in a spotlessly clean, well-ordered office, thanks in large part to this gorgeous lady, Svetlana.  She is a wonder in so many ways.  This morning she was beaming even more, having returned from a week serving in the Helsinki, Finland temple.  In her limited English and with eyes brimming with tears she described the love that she and her 10 traveling companions  experienced with the Finnish saints in the temple.

 Her hands clasped over her heart as she said over and over, "Such much love, Such much love".  Sveta's true home is in the temple and she finds her way there at least monthly.  This is not easy for a single woman on a meager salary.  Her light of testimony is a blessing for all of us. (By the way, she loves her Michigan T-shirt.  We promised her if she will visit us in America, we will take her to Michigan.)

We are eternally blessed to learn from these spectacular Russian saints!

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