Sunday, September 28, 2014

No Unhallowed Hand...

In the LDS church, we believe in the Holy Bible, the Book of Mormon and scriptures revealed to prophets in relatively recent  times.  As a matter of fact, as a worldwide church, we will hear from living prophets next weekend in satellite broadcasts.  These occur every 6 months.  We will all listen, dissect and hopefully apply counsel that we receive.

In the early days of the Restoration of the church, Joseph Smith, in the midst of his own persecution, received this divine guidance:

"The Standard of Truth has been erected.  No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing.  Persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly and independent till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done."

In some ways, these are not easy times for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Eastern Europe.  Political difficulties, discouragement, distractions, and those who have given up on religion altogether make it hard for the truth of the gospel to touch hearts.  Distrust of a church centered in America stops some from hearing the message.

 In others ways, this is the best of times.  Those who have embraced the gospel with all of their hearts and "yielded to the enticings of the Holy Ghost" are finding joy and strength.  They support and love each other and live the gospel the best they can.

These are just a few of the many, many saints we love who have chosen to follow the Savior and His Church.
The wonderful women in the Richnoy Ward Relief Society.

Lots of faithful  young people who are choosing to marry in the temple and raise their children in the covenant.

Some of our best friends, Vladimar and Natasha who have built a very successful business creating and selling  beautiful greeting cards.  Both served missions, Vladimar in Arizona and Natasha in Rostov, Russia.  Their 3 girls are being raised in the light of the gospel.

This week we had the fun of serving lunch to some of the missionaries in the Moscow mission.  They are truly some of the Lord's best.  They work so hard and they are so happy!

Quick stock tip--Missionaries go through TONS of Papa John's pizza!  It is alive and well in Russia.  Just spelled very strangely.

Misha is one of the many great gospel teachers we have enjoyed learning from here in E. Europe.
Their testimonies are seasoned, mature and guided by the spirit.  The youth love them.

These Russians are also very funny.  This is Natasha (one of about 15 we know) with our 90 yr. old darling, Tyeshya. Natasha speaks English and often interprets for me.  Today I told her how CHIC she is.  She always looks so great so I make kind of a fuss.  Later on, I noticed her matching shoes and, of course, gushed over those.  That was too much.  She looked me in the eyes and said, "DROP IT!"
I do tend to go to extremes.  Russians do laugh a lot and they make it so fun for us!!

Today in Sacrament meeting, the last of 4 speakers had the task of keeping the congregation with him as he taught gospel truths.  It was a battle as the babies were cranky, the room was hot and the meeting was already going long.  All of that changed as he bore testimony of the reality of our Savior Jesus Christ and His gospel, the role played by the Prophet Joseph Smith in the restoring of divine authority and the truth of ongoing revelation from our current prophet, Thomas S. Monson.  A peace settled on the congregation, everyone felt the truth of what he taught.  We all joined in the strength of testimony.

No unhallowed hand...

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