Friday, August 2, 2013

first Russian yoga class

I love these Russian youth.  About 15 showed up for our first yoga class at the Intitute of Religion in Mocow.  Purely word of mouth.   They have wonderful attitudes and did their best, in spite of my terrible Russian and their limited English.  We had tons of fun.  We're going to shoot for twice a week.  Maybe a senior class on another night. 

It's always amazing to me how we can understand each other through the workings of the spirit. We're united in the things of the spirit.

I finally realized that my ipad just doesn't work with photos on the blog.  The laptop seems fine.  I'ge gone back and added some pictures to earlier entries if anyone is interested. 

We are truly being blessed as we try to further this work. 


  1. Where did you get the mats for so many? I love it! It's about time yoga moved in. Way to go Sister Pierson! What a fun thing for the youth to do.

  2. I've had so much fun reading your blog! I'm so happy for you! We had our hands full with our adoption right when you left. We love our baby girl Piper Jane, born June 10th! Thanks to you I'm still teaching yoga at the Thompson library on Saturdays and will be teaching twice a week in the fall at Chenal Fitness. Thank you for helping me and being my inspiration! I would love to serve a mission one day with my partner as well! Love Jen Johnston
