Tuesday, August 6, 2013

God takes care of His missionaries

Twice within the past week we have been hopelessly lost and each time we were rescued by angels out of nowhere.

We have not yet been assigned by the Moscow mission president to attend and assist any particular ward so we have been ward-hopping.  Each of the wards we have attended has been russian speaking so last sunday we decided we would love to have the opportunity to bear our testimonies in English without a translator so we got directions and time for the International ward, way down in south Moscow.  We thought we had plenty of time to join those who would be arriving by metro and follow them to the church, which we heard is a good hike from the train.

It took longer than we thought and we were the only ones exiting the station in "church" clothes.  We had no idea which way to go but as we looked down the many streets radiating from the metro we caught sight of a white shirt several blocks in the distance.  We tried to keep it in view but after several blocks we lost sight.  That chapel could have been anywhere in the maze of huge buildings. With no better idea,  I suggested that we look for a McDonalds or somewhere with internet access and perhaps zero in on the area through the church website.  We were about to turn into a commercial area when a darling woman walked up beside us, took my hand and said, "I know where you are going.  Come with me." 

This sweet Filipino lady, Maritza, talked happily as she led us the last 1/2 mile or so to the chapel.   We never would have found it.  Maritza is a nanny for a very difficult little boy (bite marks visible) whose single parent mother is very troubed.  Maritzas son just returned from his mission and her 8 year old daughter was baptized last week.  Maritza has not been able to enjoy any of these precious events.  She is hoping to go home for a short visit next year.  The previous night she got 1 hr. sleep, due to this poor little boy's problems. Sunday is her only day off but here she was, happily walking with us to church.

Today found us near Red Square, again lost.  We had directions to a printing place where we needed to make many copies of handouts for a Young Single Adult conference next week. Exiting the metro after more than an hour, our directions made no sense.  We trudged on, facing hordes of Moscovites.  Frustration was setting in.  Copy places are not common and we needed 3000 copies made.  We could not get any kind of bearings and out of nowhere on the sidewalk appeared Sasha, one of our Moscow young adults who had served an english speaking mission.  He works in an office in the area and knew just where we needed to go.  In a city of 20 million, how could the one person who could help us appear right in front of us? 

The Lord is in charge of this work and we are humbled as we try to be where He wants us to be, doing what He wants us to do.  We witness his hand every day.
I don't have Maritzas picture but here is Sasha as he found us today.


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