Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Our New Children

Even though we are part of the East Europe Area CES office, we have been asked by the Moscow Mission President to attend the Rosinka ward and help the 6 missionaries who are assigned to this ward.  Every week we are blessed to feed these wonderful young people and sit in on their District meeting.  We are very impressed by their maturity and devotion to the gospel.  I have to keep reminding myself how very young they are.  They are pretty much the same age as our own darling grandson, Jayce, happily serving in Brazil.  The Lord places a lot of responsibility on their shoulders but they are eager and worthy to carry it forward.  We will do all we can to help them.  When we introduced ourselves to them at church, they threw their arms around us, "Yeah! We have parents!"

Today at dinner, Elder Jordan, from south Louisiana, brought two pair of suit pants, given him by another missionary who was returning home.  They were so long on him they were pooling around his ankles.  Thank goodness for Stitch Witchery.  I fixed the very long pants as I listened to their lesson.  The spirit filled our home and we are all blessed.  They are so darn cute!

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