Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Russians Pulled It Off!

For the first time the Moscow Mission Young Single Adult conference was run entirely by Russians.  In the past, most of  the extensive planning, classes, workshops, group leaders, service projects, dances, etc were run by those of us from somewhere else primarily Americans.  Well done always but this year  it was all pulled together and executed by those who live here and I couldn't have been more impressed.  Wonderful, mature leadership.  None of our CES missionary couples who love their youth was invited to attend.  Hard for them but good for those here to carry it out on their own.   There were close to 400 SAs attending and they had a fabulous time.  It was held at a beautiful resort outside of Moscow.

The focus of the conference was to help each of these precious young people fill their spiritual lamps.  Everyone I talked to, young women and young men, had either served a mission or  it was in their plans.  These are grounded, spiritually mature servants of the Lord.  Obviously everyone is hoping to find an eternal companion but whatever their situation, each felt that he or she is a much loved child of God and that each life has a plan.  As I talk to them and see their joy, virtue and goodness, I continue to feel gratitude for gospel principles that they have embraced that  allow them to grow into all that the Lord wants them to be.  As the youth felt the unifying power of the Gospel, the biggest problem  the group leaders had was breaking up sweet scripture sharing time as the hours grew late.

We felt privileged to be one of the very few english speakers there.   We understood little of the presentations but felt the confirming power of the Spirit.  Actually the scariest thing for us was being driven there by our boss, Sergei, in his VW SUV.  I sat in the back and kept my eyes closed for much of the two and a half hour drive.  Driving in Moscow is not for the hesitant.  One creates one's own space where a space did not exist before.  Gun it and move is the technique.  If you find yourself on the outside lane of a major highway and realize you need to go the other way, you simply cross in front of oncoming lanes, cross the median and join the opposite traffic.  THe amazing thing is, it seems to work.  We have yet to see and accident. 

This gospel is so true and we are blessed to be a small part of helping build His kingdom.

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