Monday, July 29, 2013

Ever wonder where those lost tribes ended up?

As we gaze at the interesting, unique faces of these Moscovites on the metro, one has to be aware of the variety of their origins.  We have heard many times, since arriving here, of the identification of all of all ofthe 12 tribes of Israel here in Russia.  A few weeks before we arrived Elder Russell M Nelson, an apostle of the Lord visited Russia with his wife, Wendy.  Sis. Nelson spoke at a womens fireside and asked Sis. Laurel Lawrence, a gospel scholar. to identify all of the tribes.  As she did so,  Sis. Nelson asked members of those tribes to stand.  All were represented except Levi and Judah and, apparently, they are here but were not there that night. 
"But, the Lord liveth, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the NORTH, and from all the lands whither he had driven them: and I will bring them again into their land that I gave unto their fathers" (Jer. 16:12) 

Our new mission president, Gary Borders, was baptized into the church in his 20s.  When he and his wife received their call, they were dumbfounded to read "Moscow, Russia".  At 65, they were older than most presidents and neither of them spoke a foreign language.  A few hours later, Pres. Borders took out his patriarchal blessing and found a phrase he had previously not understood.  He was told that he would play a role in the gathering of the lost tribes of Israel in preparation for the Saviors return.  He then knew that the Lord knew decades ago that this call would come to them. Pres. Borders said that over the decades he has been involved in lots of patriarchal blessings and has never heard of any tribe besides Ephraim.  Scriptures indicate that the gathering will happen through the decendants of Ephraim.
 Pres. and Sis Borders bore testimony that God knows each of us and our opportunities for service.  he is involved in the details of our lives and all promised blessings will come to pass.

The picture is of Pres. and Sis. Borders and our office secretary, Anya,  in our apartment for dinner.
Wonderful time.

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