Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How to guarantee a parking spot

Moscow was not designed for the many cars that are now flooding the streets.  Traditional traffic laws or even etiquette do not apply. Any available space becomes a driving lane or parking spot.  Amazingly, we have not seen any crashes & we haven't been run over yet, although it has been close a few times.

Parking is ridiculous but we have witnessed one enterprising solution. Outside our apartment building we have been puzzled as the same Prime parking spot was always occupied by either a very old, junky soviet era car or that same car was pushed forward and a new Toyota land cruiser was in that spot.  We finally saw the dance.  When the land cruiser leaves, the guy gets out, pulls on the rope attached to the old car and it becomes the place keeper.  When the LC returns we see him gently nudge the battered wreck forward enough for him to park behind. These Russians are not dumb.

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