Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Good saints in Lviv

These faithful Russian saints still astound me.  About three hours drive (by the one bus that travels daily) is the village of Lviv.  The branch consists of a faithful elder, his wife, their son & wife & daughter.  Their little home has a bedroom/living room /kitchen. This is also the branch chapel. Each week Bro. Sokol and family don their Sunday best, place the  podium in the middle of the room and church is held.  All 3 hours.  If visitors from Moscow come, they are the speakers, of course.  Sacrament is blessed and passed, testimonies are borne and those who have been in that service testify that there is no sweeter spirit anywhere.  After the block of meetings, these humble saints insist on feeding visitors lunch from their abundant garden.
These dear people have been through almost unimaginable challenges but their testimonies are radiant and powerful.   Last month, new Russian scriptures were delivered to them and they were overcome.  They poured over the pages and wept.  They thirst for contact with the larger church but, at the same time, their hearts are bursting with gospel truths.  We to whom so much is given, consider our ways.

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