Sunday, July 14, 2013

Praying for a Moscow temple

We are so happy as we see the Lords hand in this blessed land.  The caliber if missionaries here is astounding as are the testimonies of these faithful members.  The Keiv temple is bursting and the family history work here in Eastern Europe, they tell us, is among the highest in the church.  As a result, there is a huge need for a temple here.  But available property is limited, especially here in Moscow,  so we have joined our prayers with all of the saints here that The Lord will open the doors and a temple will be built.  St. Petersburg is also being considered, we hear, which would be symbolic, since 110 years ago in St Petersburg,  the land of Russia was dedicated by Francis R Lyman, an apostle.  Moscow is truly the church center but these good people will be thrilled with wherever The Lord puts it.
Moscow is also desperate for a stake center. None of the buildings are adequate for stake gatherings.  A hotel ballroom must be rented each time.
The kingdom of God is firmly planted here and will only grow.  We feel so blessed to live among and learn from these precious children of God.
Despite hours of effort, I'm still picture-uploaded challenged.  Hopefully, I'll figure I out soon & show some of the orders we see each day.  Were having so much fun.

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