Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Perfect Wedding.....

For Mormons, nothing is more important than the  creation of  eternal families.  We believe that, if we remain faithful to covenants made in our temples, we will have the blessing of being with those we love forever.

Friday we were privileged to witness the wedding of two wonderful people.  We have known Oksana since we first arrived in Moscow last year.  She has chosen to remain morally clean and temple worthy as many years have passed since she served as a missionary on Temple Square in Salt Lake City.

A year ago she mentioned to us that she had been re-reading her Patriarchal Blessing.  She said that a particular phrase  jumped out at her.  Her blessing promised her that she would find her companion in a sacred setting.  She thought she had paid attention to the meaning.  She always sought out new people at church, attended Young Adult and now Single Adult Conferences but didn't find her special companion.   In her church callings, she is faithful and has given so much service.


As she looked again at the promise given in her blessing, the spirit spoke to her and told her that the key was the temple.  She had been attending the temple in Keiv as often as her schedule allowed but with this new insight, she decided to take her yearly vacation and spend every day in the temple.  A few days into her temple service, she noticed a handsome man in her session.

She knew he was special.   He radiates goodness, as does Oksana.  His name is Vadim.  He is Ukrainian and has served a faithful mission in Russia.  It didn't take long for them to fall in love and prepare for their temple marriage.

Russian law requires that all marriages must take place in the office of a government registrar.  That done, the beautiful day was perfect for picture taking.  Then the fun really began.  Elder and Sister Blackwell hosted a lovely party in their beautiful apartment.

 We had never witnessed how Eastern Europeans celebrate marriages.  Nothing stuffy or formal, as ours tend to be in America.  This was just lots of fun!

As the bride and groom enter, they are presented with a loaf of bread placed on an embroidered towel.  A salt holder is placed on top of the bread.  It signifies the wish of plenteous blessings in the new household.

 We enjoyed  lots of games involving balloons, story telling,wishes for the couple and dancing.
And of course, SINGING!  Every time Russians get the chance, songs of the Motherland and family are sung with gusto!  Copies of the music (which we can't read) were passed out but everyone knew the choruses and belted them out!  We love these powerful Russian voices!

Lots of traditional food and a beautiful cake!

Saturday was when the real marriage took place.  Oksana and Vadim returned to the Keiv Temple where their story began.  Sacred covenants were made and another eternal family has begun.  We are blessed to have witnessed the faith and love of this dear couple.  They are so happy and grateful for the divine plan of a loving Heavenly Father who guided them to each other in His sacred house.

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