Monday, July 14, 2014

Road Tripping through Ukraine...

We are blessed to have five Senior Missionary Couples serving in Ukraine.  Each couple is extraordinary but very different from each other.

This past week we had the privilege of traveling throughout the western part of this breathtakingly beautiful country to visit and serve some of them.  Each couple serves in large cities all over Ukraine.
We visited classes, met and fell in love with both teachers and students.  Our hearts are full.  There is love and wonderful teaching happening everywhere!

A few of these couples we have visited before and we enjoyed sharing the exciting things they are seeing in their area.  Others are pretty new and we spent time training them.  In every case, our hearts were touched as the hand of the Lord is evident in this great land.

Our driver, interpreter and all around fun traveling companion, was the CES coordinator of Western Ukraine, Igor.   He and his lovely wife, Sveta, have a bunch of great children.  They are a faithful and happy family.  Igor is bishop of a friendly, bustling ward in Keiv.

Igor is at the head of the table.  On the right, one of our great couples.

Ukraine has known so much suffering these past several months.  It was in contrast to that terrible pain that we felt the peace and sustaining influence of the Keiv Temple.  It is the center of everything for the good saints of East Europe.  We attended an early morning mid-week session and it was packed with faithful saints.  We were one of the very few with headsets.  It was wonderful to feel the same spirit we feel in any temple.  I testify to the presence of angels.  We received answers to prayers and an increase of faith.  Temples are truly Houses of the Lord.

After our temple session, the plan was to  hit the road with Igor.  As we got in the car he received a call from Sveta.     We circled back to his home so that he could give a Priesthood blessing to his 14 year old son, Sasha, who had injured his hand while picking apricots from the tree in their yard.  We witnessed the peace and healing that comes through Priesthood power.  What a great church!  In the middle of Keiv, Ukraine, all of the keys are present for God's power bless His saints.

The previous evening, Igor and Sveta showed us around Keiv.  The tragedy of Maidan, Independence Square, is still fresh.  It is heartbreaking to see the throw-everything-in-there, kitchen sink included, barricades and the photos of the 400- plus civilians who were killed.

What has arisen in western Ukraine is a patriotism and love of country that is seen everywhere.  Yellow and blue flags flutter from most homes and businesses.  In our travels, we passed several bridges where young people with paint cans were happily changing the dull brown color of the railings to yellow and blue.  Cars with flags flying or even some spray painted were very common.

The Ukrainian language is predominant in the western area.  Keiv is about half and half Russian and Ukrainian speaking.  In church on Sunday, the hymns, scriptures and lessons were taught in Ukrainian but many comments were in Russian and everyone (but us) understood.  Many of the men and women proudly wear traditional Ukrainian clothing.

Everyone prays daily for peace to come.  Members of the church put aside partisanship and just love each other.  Testimonies are shared and all are strengthened.  The Lord's work continues to move forward.

In our travels we saw charming villages, ancient castles, waving wheat fields and more corn than Kansas but, as always, it's the people we love.  One humble family is just a short way from the Polish border.  Each of their three sons have been home taught in Seminary by their parents.  The two older sons served missions, married and have moved away.  The youngest son  received his 3 year certificate from Igor, who made the long, rocky trip to their home.

This family has great faith and joy in the gospel.  They travel by bus 2 1/2 hours to church each Sunday.  On Wednesdays, the Dad and Son ride their bikes to catch the small bus to return to the church to clean it.  They have done it for years.  Such kind, happy, shining people. Everyone who enters their home comments on the temple-like spirit that is present.  In this tiny corner of the world, they have embraced Zion.  We are humbled.  We love all of these good people,

Our hearts have grown as well as our faith!  Missions are amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this. :) I'm especially amazed hearing about that families devotion. I love hearing about the amazing experiences that the BEST seminary teach EVER is having. I am still amazed at the time and effort that Sister Pierson put into helping six half asleep teenagers really get to know the scriptures. President Pierson is not too shabby either. ;)
