Sunday, December 8, 2013

Where we worship, teach yoga and socialize a lot...

Our chapel is one of several LDS chapels in Moscow.  Three wards meet in our building so on Sundays  it is a bit of a dance as we all try to get to our various classes while greeting and hugging friends we see from other wards.  It gets very clogged in our tiny lobby.  Our Sacrament meeting begins at 10:00, followed by Sunday School and Relief Society for women, Priesthood meeting for young and old men, Young Women and Primary for the children. 3 hours total.  The metro ride is about an hour so, after all of the socializing, we get home about 2:30 or later.
The building is in a fashionable part of Moscow and is beautiful but way too small so the church is always searching for a more functional space.  Not easy to find here.
 It is such a blessing to feel the same spirit in our cramped building in Moscow where we understand very little of what is said but we continue to be taught through the influence of the Holy Ghost.  This gospel is the same wherever we are.  We so love these people and we feel their love for us.

The Stake Presidency has been very generous in allowing me to teach a few weekday yoga classes in the building  for the young adults and the community at large.  
Weekly we gather with other senior missionary couples in the building for Senior Council, where we teach each other.  The strength and testimony of these 25 or so Moscow-based couples continues to inspire us.  These people, like us, have left careers, families, homes, businesses and have committed themselves to this sacred work.  Their assignments vary from humanitarian, auditing, perpetual education, self-reliance, office work and CES like us.  We often attend performances as a group.  This week we enjoyed Russian Folk Dancing.  What talent and what joy they bring to the expression of traditional dance.  They are proud of their heritage and they should be!  
 A few days later, we took in one of the two year-round circuses in Moscow.  Spectacular artistry.  It was wonderful to sit among delighted children who were enchanted by the aerial acts, tumblers, clowns and so much more.

Life is wonderful, we are blessed and feel grateful each day for this opportunity to work together to help bring the light of the gospel to these dear, sweet people.  


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