Sunday, December 15, 2013

Never Get too Comfortable

So, last week I went on and on about our wonderful Rechnoy ward, filled with young adults with whom we socialize, do yoga, feed, hug and laugh a lot.  It includes a "district", a group of 6 young missionaries assigned to that ward, or geographic area.

We thought we were set for the remainder of our mission.  Silly us.  On Thursday we were asked to move to another ward, about 20 miles from the center of Moscow, called Zelenograd.  We didn't really have time to give our goodbyes to Rechnoy.  Just a goodbye hug at our Tuesday lunch/district meeting for Sis. Thomas, who was being transferred.
Today was our first Sunday to travel to our new ward and it was windy and below zero wind chill. We love the metro.  It is close, warm, reliable but doesn't go to Zgrad.  We must become bus riders.  As we faced the bracing wind for  20  min. waiting for the 240,  I was not excited.  My heart was in Rechnoy. As we transferred to our 2nd bus and looked around, the couple across the aisle nodded a greeting, so not Russian.
As the bus stopped in an unfamiliar neighborhood, they, in Russian, told us to follow them.  The building was two blocks away, totally hidden. We had very vague directions and we would never have found it without the help of the Lord through our new friends, Alexei and Tanya who somehow recognize lost missionaries.  No coincidences.

As we entered the building in ZGrad.  I immediately felt the warm, familiar reassurance that this was the Lord's house, dedicated to teaching  truth and I knew we were supposed to be here loving these happy, faithful saints. Zgrad is very much a family ward.  Not so many single young adults but a thriving primary.

In Sacrament meeting,the bishop invited us to introduce ourselves while he interpreted.  It was with gratitude and pride that I told these good people  that our children and all 23 of our grandchildren would be in their church meetings today stretching from Arkansas, to Texas, to Utah and even to our missionary grandson in Brazil.  Wherever we are, as a family, we are learning the same things, testifying of the same truths and partaking of the sacrament and renewing our covenants to the Lord.  They were astounded at the number. This is one amazing church.  

The world class huggers are in Relief Society and Russians are among the best.  I took a picture of the candy they gave me to stave off hunger and the afghan I was wrapped in, even though  the room was very warm.
 The Relief Society President proudly displayed a huge box containing  dozens of blankets and bibs the sisters had made for charity. Just like any Relief Society anywhere in the world.

 I am also including a picture of Tatiana, the sweet sister who translated the RS lesson for me.

I usually just hate it when I am wrong but this is truly where the Lord wants us to spend our Sundays for now and I couldn't be happier.  We  have the added blessing of hosting a new district of missionaries weekly in our home.  They are just as fabulous as our last district.

 We continue to testify of the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We know we are guided and blessed every minute of this precious mission.

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