Sunday, December 22, 2013

Our message for YSA

Tonight we were the featured speakers at the Moscow young adults at their monthly fireside.  My handsome, knowledgeable, filled-with-the spirit companion gave counsel on prayers-answered as would like or not.  He gave the example of an insightful family member who noted the comforting presence of the Lord through significant life events.  Some prayers were answered as hoped, some were not, but the comforting warmth of the spirit was the same.
As we bring our own will in alignment with the Lord's, we are content to accept His will for us
These are really great youth.  Very mature in the gospel and faithfully keeping their covenants.

.My message was about the transformation of the shepherds in the Luke 2 account of Christ's birth.  They went from a bunch of paid workers hanging out with the sheep, passing time to men who could not be kept back from happily sharing their enthusiastic testimony of the coming of the Son of God.  How blessed we are to feel that same joy, bringing light to ALL people.  The more light we let in, the happier we are.  I listed the 7 reasons why, because of the gospel of Jesus Christ, we have nothing to worry about and we are under covenant to fully live the "great plan of happiness".
My family has heard this many times but experts say that we have to hear something at least 8 times before it starts to register.  For those of you who haven't passed 5, I would be happy to send you a copy.  (These thoughts didn't originate with me, but I love them and know they are true!)

We have enjoyed the happy combination of warmish (low 30s) temperatures with abundant, fluffy white snow.  Red Square has been transformed into a wonderland, St. Basils is background to the small craft huts (renniks) selling all things Russian. The warmth is beautiful for strolling but not good for the melting ice sculptures and slushy skating rink.  We are so taken with the joy of this happy, happy season.  Magical.

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