Sunday, October 19, 2014

These wonderful leaders and Beware the Turkish carpet seller

We spent the past week in another world.  We have spent time in Turkey and surrounding regions before but Istanbul is fascinating and fun.

We were there to participate in a conference for CES Coordinators from 9 countries, administrators and the head CES people from Salt Lake.  Loved the spirit and the people.

 Unless we succeed in getting these wonderful coordinators (and their amazing wives) to visit us in Arkansas, we won't see them again in this life.  We have worked closely with them as we have all tried to move the work of the Lord forward in teaching the young people in East Europe.  They are faithful Priesthood holders with marvelous testimonies and love for the work and the youth.  We are inspired by their teaching.

Our East Europe Area President, President Porter, talks about the light emerging in East Europe.  We see it in these inspired leaders.  They are full of light and goodness.  They bring it to so many others.
They are also very funny.  When things get a bit dull and they need a boost, they have a "Varaghan toss".  Varaghan is the Armenian coordinator and the shortest in the group .  They love throwing him to the ceiling.  He loves it, too.

In some good-natured tussling, Sasha (Russian) punches Igor (Ukrainian) in the stomach.  (Mock pain) doubled over Igor, "That's why Ukraine needs nuclear weapons"!

We were asked to take some time to help the coordinators understand how they can be of most service to the dozens of CES missionary couples with whom they work.  We had fun with it and I think it helped all of us to come together.

We extended our stay in Istanbul a bit to take in these jaw-dropping sights.

Now the story of the carpet seller.

All long-married couples have a short hand that only they understand.  Just a few words and a whole concept and shared experience is communicated.  Elder Pierson and I have many.  Such as, "Anybody can trim a poodle" or "I can settle them down."  We are now adding another one.  "Turkish carpet seller".  The message is, "Grab hands and run!"

We are not totally gullible but we found ourselves drawn into a friendly conversation with a pleasant looking Turk.    Hearing our English, he wanted us to know that he now lives in  New Jersey.  When he  found we were Mormon missionaries, he proudly announced that  his wife's brother is Mormon.  9 children!  We are now buddies.

CS-"You are taking home a carpet?  No?  You must!  You will kick yourself if you don't."
 Me- "Do you sell carpets?"  No, he is just a consultant (or something).
 CS has connection in Little Rock (produces a card of local decorator)
 CS-"Why you not buy carpet?"
 ME- (Big mistake)  "My husband says no".
CS- (sensing discomfort)  to Elder P- "You mad at your wife?'"
CS to me-"Is he controlling you?  You deserve a beautiful home."  (Hmmm)

By now we are scared and both of us are angry.  We realize we are being taken in.  We take off quickly, our new friend still calling out.    When we return to the same area hours later, he is still prowling around and is friendly as ever.

We laughed about it later but I thought how like Satan his approach was.  He was friendly and found enough connection that we (me) started to trust him and I was curious. He lied about who he was.   When we resisted his approach,  he sensed a way to divide us and create contention.

He is not Satan.  He is just a guy trying to sell carpets but he was leading me down a path toward something I didn't even want.  I love dogs and sticky fingered children way more than priceless floor stuff.

A scripture from the Book of Mormon came to mind.  "O that cunning plan of the evil one!  O the vainness, and the frailties, and the foolishness of men ( & women)....   Wo unto the rich who are rich unto the things of this world...   Behold, their treasure shall perish with them also." (2 Nephi 9:28,30)

We totally fell in love with this amazing city...

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