Sunday, October 12, 2014

All I know is...

It amazes me how much we love these people, especially considering how little English most of them speak and the pitiful Russian we attempt.

 Boris and Elena are some of our favorites.  Entering their tiny apartment, we are swept into a sunny heaven.  Not just color, although the yellow/gold/orange motif is a definite mood lifter.  In the 20 years of their marriage and later coming to Christ, their joy is  reflected in their renovated home. 

The spirit of the Lord is with these two and resides in their home.  Pictures of the Savior and the temple are prominent.  They are not wealthy but they carefully save their money so that they can travel to the temple as often as possible.

A sense of deep gratitude is ever present as they tell their story.  Boris is the only surviving member of his family.  His parents and both brothers passed away from the effects of alcoholism.  A few years after their marriage, Elena could see her husband becoming a victim of the same fatal  disease.  Prayer was not something she was accustomed to doing but she was desperate.  She prayed for an answer to the terrible problem they faced.  She told the Lord that she would follow any path that would bring help.  She carried that prayer in her heart as she prepared to board a bus.  

As the doors opened, she recognized an acquaintance, Anatoly, who was accompanied by two "angels".   Elena said  these two young missionaries were "shining with goodness" and she knew they would help them.  Anatoly, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, introduced them and the rest is history.

(currently serving missionaries in our district.  They are all wonderful)

That was many years ago but Elena and Boris have never lost that spirit of gratitude.  Boris was able to stop smoking and drinking as he prepared for baptism and has remained free from those vises. (incredulous friends are still convinced someone piped some strange substance into his veins)

 He is a true mountain of a man.  If you fly into the Sheremetyevo Airport in Moscow, it might very well be Boris who is single-handedly tossing those heavy bags around.  Elena, a nurse, is the one I would want to take care of me when I needed one).

The church in Russia still so young.  Some of those who initially were attracted to gospel truths have lost their way.  When asked about things that have been stumbling blocks for some, Elena looks with great love at her healthy, happy husband and says, "I don't know the answer to everything but I do know that Boris would be dead now without the gospel.  As we pray, read  scriptures,  attend the temple, keep our covenants and  serve we are happy.  I will keep doing the things that will keep our family together and happy."

I thought of the account in John 9.  When pressed by the Pharisees, the young man who was healed from his blindness admitted that he didn't know all about this Messiah who had allowed him to see for the first time.

"Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not; one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see.

We always have a choice.  We can focus on what we don't yet understand or we can feel grateful for the truths we have been blessed to know.

We are so grateful for the unfolding of truth in our own lives and those we love.  Miracles are happening daily.  When we choose to open our eyes and hearts in faith, we truly see.  

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