Sunday, October 26, 2014

A Very Fun Family & Connie Miracle #2

Our Arkansas home isn't enormous. It is probably about average for our area.  This week we spent a wonderful evening with a happy, happy family of 7 (unusual for Russia).

 We could probably get at least 4 apartments like theirs in our home.  We have heard from others that this family is quick to provide shelter to anyone who needs it.  For a couple of years, 11 people were living here.  Two small bedrooms and of course, one bathroom.  Bunk beds everywhere.

We have loved Sasha, Sveta and their vivacious bunch for months.  Happy energy everywhere. Sasha serves in the Bishopric and Sveta is Relief Society President.

 We were surprised to hear their story.  Sasha is from a far corner of Siberia called Lake Bakal (deepest lake in the world).  As a single parent, he left his 2 children in the care of family and trekked to Moscow in search of better employment.  There he encountered missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. His new perspective enhanced his native optimism.

 Steady work followed.  Sasha has a beautiful tenor voice and, like most Russians, loves to sing.  In the Moscow Stake choir, he couldn't help but notice a stunning brunette.  Sveta was also a single parent.  She had joined the church as a teenager and had been faithful ever since.

Following their marriage, Sasha sent for his children.  It wasn't easy to create a situation where Sveta could be home with the children but they are doing it.and their family is thriving.

We knew that each parent brought 2 children into the marriage but we cannot figure out which ones are the biological match.  They are a very affectionate bunch, with the usual big-family tussels.  The darling is Sonya, the baby.  Everyone loves her and she knows it.  They even make room for a couple of parakeets.

Dinner was prepared by everyone.  Arms over arms with lots of laughter.  Great food and wonderful people.  They are each living and teaching the gospel and they are happy.  They wanted to sing for us and we were drawn into the musical family spell.  A combination of stirring Russian folk songs and much-loved hymns.  Perfect harmony in more ways than one.

Last Christmas, one of my "Connies" (my hearing aids that connect me to the world) was lost and miraculously found.  This week we were in desperate need of another miracle as one became lost again.  When we noticed it was gone, we prayed to find it again.  God knew where it was. even if we didn't.

  We then backtracked through some big stores, the route to the office, ransacked that place, finally back to the Produkty, our corner store. We had checked it over and over.  Elder Pierson had a feeling he should lift the pallet that serves as the platform for the outside produce window.  There it was.  It had landed in a protected dry spot, It couldn't be stepped on or picked up.  We were so grateful.
(Elder P. talking to Irina, the sweet produce lady.     The "connie" was under the pallet he is standing on.  The horse was an innocent bystander)

After we found the "connie", Irina started crying and pounding her chest with her fist, ""Ah, Slava Bogu, Slava Bogu" (Praise God) over and over.  She was as happy as we were.

 As I tried to figure it out, the "connie" must have fallen out, landing on my coat hood.  I leaned in to give Irina a kiss on the cheek and the "connie" fell under the pallet.

We laughed hard when our good friend, Tatiana, presented our "Sweet Dreams" gift.  This lady is so fun!! Her creations are hilarious!  She searched all over to find "hair" like mine.

Bitter cold hit this week, reminding us where we are.  Moscow is at it's sparkly best.

We love this place!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

These wonderful leaders and Beware the Turkish carpet seller

We spent the past week in another world.  We have spent time in Turkey and surrounding regions before but Istanbul is fascinating and fun.

We were there to participate in a conference for CES Coordinators from 9 countries, administrators and the head CES people from Salt Lake.  Loved the spirit and the people.

 Unless we succeed in getting these wonderful coordinators (and their amazing wives) to visit us in Arkansas, we won't see them again in this life.  We have worked closely with them as we have all tried to move the work of the Lord forward in teaching the young people in East Europe.  They are faithful Priesthood holders with marvelous testimonies and love for the work and the youth.  We are inspired by their teaching.

Our East Europe Area President, President Porter, talks about the light emerging in East Europe.  We see it in these inspired leaders.  They are full of light and goodness.  They bring it to so many others.
They are also very funny.  When things get a bit dull and they need a boost, they have a "Varaghan toss".  Varaghan is the Armenian coordinator and the shortest in the group .  They love throwing him to the ceiling.  He loves it, too.

In some good-natured tussling, Sasha (Russian) punches Igor (Ukrainian) in the stomach.  (Mock pain) doubled over Igor, "That's why Ukraine needs nuclear weapons"!

We were asked to take some time to help the coordinators understand how they can be of most service to the dozens of CES missionary couples with whom they work.  We had fun with it and I think it helped all of us to come together.

We extended our stay in Istanbul a bit to take in these jaw-dropping sights.

Now the story of the carpet seller.

All long-married couples have a short hand that only they understand.  Just a few words and a whole concept and shared experience is communicated.  Elder Pierson and I have many.  Such as, "Anybody can trim a poodle" or "I can settle them down."  We are now adding another one.  "Turkish carpet seller".  The message is, "Grab hands and run!"

We are not totally gullible but we found ourselves drawn into a friendly conversation with a pleasant looking Turk.    Hearing our English, he wanted us to know that he now lives in  New Jersey.  When he  found we were Mormon missionaries, he proudly announced that  his wife's brother is Mormon.  9 children!  We are now buddies.

CS-"You are taking home a carpet?  No?  You must!  You will kick yourself if you don't."
 Me- "Do you sell carpets?"  No, he is just a consultant (or something).
 CS has connection in Little Rock (produces a card of local decorator)
 CS-"Why you not buy carpet?"
 ME- (Big mistake)  "My husband says no".
CS- (sensing discomfort)  to Elder P- "You mad at your wife?'"
CS to me-"Is he controlling you?  You deserve a beautiful home."  (Hmmm)

By now we are scared and both of us are angry.  We realize we are being taken in.  We take off quickly, our new friend still calling out.    When we return to the same area hours later, he is still prowling around and is friendly as ever.

We laughed about it later but I thought how like Satan his approach was.  He was friendly and found enough connection that we (me) started to trust him and I was curious. He lied about who he was.   When we resisted his approach,  he sensed a way to divide us and create contention.

He is not Satan.  He is just a guy trying to sell carpets but he was leading me down a path toward something I didn't even want.  I love dogs and sticky fingered children way more than priceless floor stuff.

A scripture from the Book of Mormon came to mind.  "O that cunning plan of the evil one!  O the vainness, and the frailties, and the foolishness of men ( & women)....   Wo unto the rich who are rich unto the things of this world...   Behold, their treasure shall perish with them also." (2 Nephi 9:28,30)

We totally fell in love with this amazing city...

Sunday, October 12, 2014

All I know is...

It amazes me how much we love these people, especially considering how little English most of them speak and the pitiful Russian we attempt.

 Boris and Elena are some of our favorites.  Entering their tiny apartment, we are swept into a sunny heaven.  Not just color, although the yellow/gold/orange motif is a definite mood lifter.  In the 20 years of their marriage and later coming to Christ, their joy is  reflected in their renovated home. 

The spirit of the Lord is with these two and resides in their home.  Pictures of the Savior and the temple are prominent.  They are not wealthy but they carefully save their money so that they can travel to the temple as often as possible.

A sense of deep gratitude is ever present as they tell their story.  Boris is the only surviving member of his family.  His parents and both brothers passed away from the effects of alcoholism.  A few years after their marriage, Elena could see her husband becoming a victim of the same fatal  disease.  Prayer was not something she was accustomed to doing but she was desperate.  She prayed for an answer to the terrible problem they faced.  She told the Lord that she would follow any path that would bring help.  She carried that prayer in her heart as she prepared to board a bus.  

As the doors opened, she recognized an acquaintance, Anatoly, who was accompanied by two "angels".   Elena said  these two young missionaries were "shining with goodness" and she knew they would help them.  Anatoly, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, introduced them and the rest is history.

(currently serving missionaries in our district.  They are all wonderful)

That was many years ago but Elena and Boris have never lost that spirit of gratitude.  Boris was able to stop smoking and drinking as he prepared for baptism and has remained free from those vises. (incredulous friends are still convinced someone piped some strange substance into his veins)

 He is a true mountain of a man.  If you fly into the Sheremetyevo Airport in Moscow, it might very well be Boris who is single-handedly tossing those heavy bags around.  Elena, a nurse, is the one I would want to take care of me when I needed one).

The church in Russia still so young.  Some of those who initially were attracted to gospel truths have lost their way.  When asked about things that have been stumbling blocks for some, Elena looks with great love at her healthy, happy husband and says, "I don't know the answer to everything but I do know that Boris would be dead now without the gospel.  As we pray, read  scriptures,  attend the temple, keep our covenants and  serve we are happy.  I will keep doing the things that will keep our family together and happy."

I thought of the account in John 9.  When pressed by the Pharisees, the young man who was healed from his blindness admitted that he didn't know all about this Messiah who had allowed him to see for the first time.

"Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not; one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see.

We always have a choice.  We can focus on what we don't yet understand or we can feel grateful for the truths we have been blessed to know.

We are so grateful for the unfolding of truth in our own lives and those we love.  Miracles are happening daily.  When we choose to open our eyes and hearts in faith, we truly see.  

Monday, October 6, 2014

Conference from 8,000 miles away

This is our last General Conference from Russia.  Someone said if we were any further away from home,we would be closer.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the structure of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, we believe that Jesus Christ leads and guides this church through a living prophet.  The current prophet, Thomas S. Monson,  The senior member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles is always ordained to this office.   So we know who the next prophet will be, and the next, unless the Lord takes them before.  So easy.  No politicking, no voting.  God makes the choice and we sustain that choice.

Twice a year, in April and October, Latter Day Saints gather to hear the counsel from  Priesthood and Auxiliary leaders who have been called to guide us. Most of us watch the proceedings from Salt Lake City on satellite television or the internet.   It is a sacred time for each of us as we receive inspired words to guide us.  The witness of the Holy Ghost seals these messages in our hearts and we know what we need to do to become better servants of Jesus Christ.

Because of time differences, the saints in Eastern Europe watch at different times.  It takes a few days for translation to be in place so next weekend will be their gathering time for Conference instruction.  These faithful saints can hardly wait to witness the workings of the spirit in their own lives as well as others who earnestly seek to do the will of the Savior.

Because we can watch it in English, we have been able to already see most of the proceedings and our hearts are full of gratitude for all that we have learned.  There is truth on the earth.  God's power is real and is guiding the affairs of His Church.  We are led by a living Prophet.  We can navigate the difficult journey through this life with peace and joy and return again to our Heavenly Father with our family.

We are all needed to help one another along on this journey. I am so grateful for the sure knowledge I have that these things are true!

Because of Christ's atonement, as we choose to do our best, no matter our past, we are enveloped in his divine love and help.  We are never without hope!  I love it!

We were in St. Petersburg this week, training Elder and Sister Romney, a newly arrived CES missionary couple.  They are wonderful, as are all of our East Europe  missionaries.  While there, we became acquainted with a delightful Canadian missionary couple, french speakers, who left their family in Montreal to help the good saints in St. Petersburg find joy in uniting their families and  bringing all to Christ.

Mormons believe that those who were unable to learn about and accept the Savior in this life will have the opportunity in the next.  Family members have a role to play.  To us, we will never be happy unless we are united with all of our loved ones. We are commanded to seek after and bring together all those we love.  Thus us love for Family History.  The Lord's Great Plan of Happiness is for everyone!
 Here in Russia, familial ties are very strong and run through many generations.  Knowing of God's plan for all of us brings great joy!   Elder and Sister Carter are enjoying bringing this aspect of the gospel to the loving people in St. Petersburg.

We were also thrilled to meet so many enthusiastic and faithful young people who love learning and living gospel truths!  We observed inspired teaching and learning.

Technology again enabled us to bring the BYU-Utah State football game into our Moscow home.  As we did last year, friends joined us for dinner and the hoped-for celebration.  Just like last year, BYU went down in flames.  Predictably, the guys were glued to the game and the women sat around and talked.  We will miss these great friends we have enjoyed here in Moscow.