Sunday, June 22, 2014

Missing the greening up...

One of my favorite quotes from Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley:
"Don't be gloomy.  Do not dwell on unkind things.  Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight.  Even if you are not happy, put a smile on your face.  'Accentuate the positive.' "

"Look a little deeper for the good.  Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, with great and strong purpose in your heart.  LOVE LIFE!"

Often in the evenings we take long walks through the woods behind our apartment building.  Last fall, following an extended period of cold and little moisture, we noted the sorry state of lots of  new plantings of evergreens along the path.  With dismay we predicted that the oncoming winter would finish off the already dead-looking trees.   They were  a drooping, dry, sorry looking bunch of vegetation.

We continued to monitor the landscape through the bleak winter months, predicting that the brittle plants would be yanked out in the spring.  Then, having predicted their demise, we kind of forgot about them for several months.

Quite a shock when we strolled the same path lined with vibrant, bushy little trees. Because we had written them off,  we  missed the greening up and skyrocketing growth taking place without our noticing.  Some of the lower branches are still dry and brittle but the overall structure and appearance of these trees is a lush,  healthy green.  They are well nourished, bushy and loving the sun.  If we had looked more carefully months ago, we might have seen the budding of new growth all around the dead-looking lower branches.

Don't we do that with ourselves or with others?  We judge situations, personalities or circumstances by what is happening now or has happened in the past and make negative assumptions.  "I always", "You never", etc.  Are we making space for and encouraging positive change?
  Do we look deeper for the "greening up" that may be below the surface?  As Pres. Hinckley said, we have the opportunity to look deeper for the good.

This week we met and were impressed by a truly remarkable  couple, Andre and Marina.  They were one of the first baptisms into the church in Russia and were the very first of this  country to be sealed in the temple.  They were committed atheists, and were well on their way to careers in medicine.  Andre is an orthopedic surgeon and his Marina is a pediatrician.

In 1990 they were hired as interpreters for a visiting LDS family from Finland.  This Russian couple was immediately impressed with the loving, helpful spirit of the children in the family.   They became friends.  Visiting church, meeting and being taught by the missionaries created an interest in the church and it's teachings.  Andre and Nadia wanted a family with the kind of love that this sweet family had.  They sensed something they had not experienced before.

It was in reading the Book of Mormon that a feeling started to grow within Andre's heart that he had never experienced while reading other scripture or any other text.  He knew it was true.  Miracles occurred.  Too many to relate.  After 6 months, Nadia knew it was true as well and joined her husband in baptism.

Andre and Nadia and their family continue to assist in the "greening" of the Lord's kingdom here in Moscow.

As we enjoy the verdant, blooming physical landscape around us, I remind myself that the gospel is permeating this land and lives are changing.  As we live the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ, we are happy.   We radiate that to others.

We may need to  look carefully to see "greening up" in testimonies that are growing, families that are strengthening, knowledge and faith that are expanding and  covenants that are kept.

I took a midnight photo last night of the view from our apartment.  (Yes, children, I really stayed up that long.)  I wanted to record  twilight at the longest day of the year.  I love this northern light.  It is soft and soothing, not blazing.  I need an eye mask to sleep.

We believe that each person born into the world is endowed with the Light of Christ to guide and bless each life.  Some call it conscience.  Conscience is a manifestation of the Light of Christ, enabling us to judge good from evil.  The light of Christ is the divine energy, power or influence that proceeds from God through Christ and gives life and light to all things.  Just like this branch, we all reach toward light.

I am committing myself to look more carefully for the "greening up" of myself and those around me.

Last week at yet another "Celebrating all things Russian" festival, we were captivated by the dancing of this happy woman.  She danced all by herself as crowds shuffled around her.  She often closed her eyes.  Just her and the lilting music, and probably lots of memories.

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