Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Joy of Being A Peculiar People...

As we wend our way through the busy thoroughfares of Moscow and other cities, we are used to  curious stares.  Who dresses in suits, ties, skirts, sensible shoes and tops these unusual outfits off with the "tell the world" name tags?

Blending in is not an option.  Even when we aren't wearing our name tags for some reason, we still stand out.  How do people know to try to speak English to us, or at least to look at us curiously, if not suspiciously?  We didn't think we looked that different but we apparently do.

  We have moved from discomfort to great pride in our identity as representatives of our Savior Jesus Christ.  We love carrying his name wherever we go.  We have found suspicion disappears when we smile encouragingly and, if possible, assist in some way.  Opening doors, helping with bundles, offering a seat in the metro, lots of possibilities.

(Elder Pierson encountering one of our young adults in downtown Moscow)

We are serving our mission because of our love for Jesus Christ.  He has called us to bring his gospel of happiness to more of His children.  We do that best when we put our fear and reluctance to draw attention away and help reflect His light.

We love Peter's reminder to us that we are "a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, A PECULIAR PEOPLE; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."  That is our job and our joy.

Our Sacrament meeting today was presented by our Zelenograd Ward Young Women.  They were wonderful, even if we  understood little of what they said.  They sang beautifully of following Christ and each spoke and bore her testimony.  We saw the light of Christ in each faithful young woman.

These teen aged girls are happy and unaffected.  They see no need to be "sophisticated, trying-to-be 25 year olds".  They are happy to be different from the world.  They dress modestly, love their families and are very best friends.  They encourage each other as they  become the  Women of Christ He wants them to be.

I was able to catch some of the young women after their program.  They were very relieved it was over.

One of our delights is welcoming senior CES  missionaries to Moscow.  Often our couples have a layover of several hours before completing their journey to their assigned city.  We greet them at the airport and help with their bags.  These faithful, jet-lagged, sleep-deprived people are then given the option of taking a nap at our home, in our famous round bed, or seeing the city.  They usually go for the tour.  Last week we had the privilege of escorting two new couples and they were real troopers.  It was windy and cold but they were up for the adventure and happily tromped around Moscow.  You think we don't stand out then?

As we show these great people around, we get to know them a bit better and are always impressed with their strength, testimony and love for the youth of the church. Their life-changing service and example bears eternal fruit.  They are blessing generations.  Each one of our missionaries truly radiates the joy of being "peculiar".  They  teach volumes about what a life-long commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ looks like.  Happiness and faith absolutely bursts from them!
Just one of our totally amazing missionary couples...

Our greatest desire is to serve Him with all of our hearts and minds.  We love helping others come "out of darkness into His marvelous light".

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