Sunday, April 13, 2014

Streetsful of splendid people!

We watched General Conference a week later than the U.S. but loved all of the inspired messages.  So anxious now to take each apart and pray for application to my own life and missionary work.

I loved Elder Richard G. Scott's instruction on how to be a significant influence for good on those we care about.  We just love them.  "Giving them confidence in your love can help them develop faith in God's love."  That is something I can do.

This quote by Neal A. Maxwell has always been special to me.
"Truly we work and live on a streetful of splendid people, whom we are to love and serve  even  if they are uninterested in us!"

In our case, it would be not only streetful but also metroful, trainful, busful and occasionally planeful.  So many interesting people.  Armed with our calling as missionaries and specifically, our assignment to help the youth return to our Savior, we feel an increase of love for everyone we see.  Elder Maxwell also said, "We can be walking witnesses and standing sermons to which objective onlookers can say a quiet amen."

 I asked a Russian friend how people seem to know we are missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints even when we are not speaking or wearing our name tags.  She said anyone just feels the difference.  Perhaps they are not familiar with the church but they still sense our calling.  I call that a great advantage.

These Russians are so talented!  We take every opportunity to catch Russian folk dancers.  Their creativity, strength and artistry are truly remarkable.  This was the troupe we saw this past week.

The arts are tremendously important to them.  Even at 300.00 a ticket, the Bolshoi ballet is sold out months in advance.  In the past few weeks, we have enjoyed a 100 violin gypsy band in a beautiful concert hall, beautiful opera, and symphony.

Following Friday's class, a yoga friend with a driver let me tag along to the Azerbaijani market where she buys all of her fish, breads, nuts, spices, cheese,meats and produce.   Football fields full of the freshest, most beautifully and creatively presented food and goods and the very nicest people.  Want to sample something?  They are ready to oblige.  Their warm grins, jabbering away in a strange language, ready laughs and hugs and handing out free food connected with me.   We are not world travelers but it felt to me like a middle eastern bazaar.  These good folks are my kind of people.

I am always inspired after General Conference.  I love the assurance that we are exactly where we need to be, doing what God wants us to do right now.  We know how blessed we are.

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