Sunday, February 9, 2014

They Answered the Call

How blessed we are to get to love and encourage these amazing Senior Missionaries who serve with us in Church Education in Eastern Europe.  Our area covers 10 time zones, from Ukraine to Vladivostok, from Turkey to the Baltics.

We are currently at 22 couples with several more coming in the next two months.  They, like us, miss family terribly but they felt the call from a prophet and here they are.  They serve from 18 to 23 months.

They leave behind sterling careers, comfortable homes and familiar cushiness to the life of limited conversation in the native language, sometimes uncomfortable apartments, strange customs and food to exhaust themselves in service.  Temporarily left behind are sweet hugs and kisses from grandchildren, family celebrations and long time friendships. And they pay their own way for the privilege.

Looking at the group, we have lots of teachers, doctors, dentists, farmers, even a couple of hospital administrators. Gazillions of children and grandchildren have been loved and nurtured by these good people. They represent decades of experience in teaching, administering and serving in almost every possible church responsibility.

 They arrive to circumstances that are rarely comfortable, especially now.  It has been bite- your-nose-off cold in Siberia, where many of them serve, many experiencing their second winter.

 Several missionaries are in politically unstable and volatile areas with not a little danger attached.  Nevertheless, they are out there daily, loving the youth and encouraging their teachers and leaders.  They work the swing shift.  Up later than  us old folks are used to. These are the hours the youth want to talk.

Most travel throughout their assigned areas, training and encouraging. Most teachers and youth are still young in the gospel and need nurturing and lots of teaching.
When they are home, they still find energy and room in their homes and hearts to host and feed gigantic youth gatherings.  And most apartments are tiny.
This is a group photo from our trip to Perge.  Happy bunch of people.

Let me share a few stories:
One couple, facing a progressive illness,  chose to spend their remaining mobility in service to the Lord in a remote area of  Siberia.  Daily functioning isn't easy but they are doing great things and are always optimistic.

Another, having worked really hard for many months in a very temperate area of Russia, establishing close, nurturing relationships with youth and leaders alike, willingly answered the call to relocate to a struggling area in Siberia.  They started all over again, facing great challenges and put their magic to work.  The new area is blossoming under their love and testimony.

Several months ago, we visited an elder in the hospital, here in Moscow, and he looked awful.  This couple had already served over a year and done wonderful work.  Everything indicated he needed to take the advice of the mission doctor which was to accept the thanks of the Lord and go home to his own bed and family.   The plan was to for them to spend some time resting here and then decide what to do.  As soon as they could, he and his wife took the first train back to their Siberian mission area.  They then extended their service time several months.  This elder's health has been stable since and they are building a strong foundation for the church in their city.

In politically charged parts of East Europe, our missionaries are a calming, centering influence on these precious youth.  They are able to keep the young people and their leaders focused on the things that matter most:  the covenants they have made with their Savior Jesus Christ and the joy that is found in faithful service.

We are blessed to serve in Moscow with many other mature missionaries who have other assignments-humanitarian, auditing, legal, member support, office, addiction recovery-lots of opportunities.  Most of us didn't choose our assignments.  We just know the Lord has placed us where we need to be, doing what we needs to be done.  We love and respect these dear missionaries and their service.

One thing that is universal--We are having the best time ever!  This gospel is true and we are blessed to see the joy it brings to so many!!!

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