Sunday, February 16, 2014

Passing the Baton

A new Moscow Stake Presidency was sustained today at Stake Conference.  We were blessed and honored to witness the Lord's hand in the calling and passing of authority to guide and bless these faithful saints.

President Boiko and his counselors have guided the church in Moscow for many years, first as a District and then attaining the landmark designation of a Stake in Zion.  This was not an easy task and many prayers and very hard work went into creating the strength of effort and testimony that characterizes the present church here.

The Area Authority who conducted the meeting described the spirit-guided process that is part of all callings.  In the case of a change in Stake leadership,  more than 35 worthy stake leaders are interviewed over the course of a day or two. Any of them would be outstanding in this responsibility.   The presiding authorities  receive inspired direction and guidance in issuing the call for the new leaders.   The Lord has already placed his hand on those who will serve.  His will is then made known, calls are made, and after sustaining by the members, authority to act in these sacred roles is given.

Members of the stake are always invited to raise their hands in support.  We felt the love of the Moscovite saints for these good men and their families, sustaining them and pledging to do all they can to lift and help build the Lord's kingdom.

The new stake President's wife bore her testimony and described the feelings of many women whose husbands spend countless hours in service, helping others to come to Christ.  She first thought," he is rarely home already, now he will hardly be home at all!"  She described the warmth that she first found as she embraced the gospel as a very young girl.  She loved it and wanted to shout the joy she had found to everyone.

 As marriage, children and other responsibilities crowded out that initial enthusiasm, she longed for the return of that simple, enthusiastic embrace of the Gospel.  As she  and her husband unitedly consecrated their efforts to this new calling, she felt the joy and assurance that, together, they would serve and love the Moscow Saints.  She experienced the warmth and joy she had prayed for.

One of the new counselors joked that everyone knew the name of the first cosmonaut but who was the second?  The first female cosmonaut?  But who knows the second?  The first Stake Pres. in Moscow?  Everyone will remember Pres. Boiko but the second?  When the new Stake Pres. spoke, he reminded everyone that even though Joseph Smith was the first Prophet of  the Restoration, no one forgets Brigham Young.

 One of the counselors who is being retained told the Saints how much he has loved sharing tender moments in interviews.  "Keep your temple recommends current.  I want to see you!"
Just like any stake in the world.

We looked around at the hundreds of saints and felt the the affirmation of the Spirit in the gigantic room., and we hugged and greeted so many we have come to love here.   We were overwhelmed again with the knowledge that this is the Lord's church and the same spirit exists anywhere Saints are gathered under His authority.  We are all coming to Christ.  The closing song, "High On a Mountain Top" sung with great enthusiasm reminded us that mountaintops can be anywhere.

The new President indicated that he had felt prompted many weeks ago to step up his service.  He didn't know why but he felt guided to purify and place his life in greater alliance with what the Lord would want him to do.  He used the analogy of relay runners.  Before the 2nd runner grabs the baton, he starts running, trying to match his pace to the oncoming runner.  The baton is then seamlessly passed, and the pace remains the same.

I couldn't help but remember our experience in 2001 when my husband was called as President of the LR Stake.  I had just returned from taking my Mom to Georgia for a week.  It was her dream to visit Sylvania, where she and Dad had served their mission 20 years earlier.  It was tender and inspiring but we were both exhausted.
We had barely walked in the door when Dick, with gravity in his voice asked me to come out on the porch swing because we needed to have a serious talk.

I was relieved (he was not having an affair and I would not have to kill him) when he explained that for the past 2 months he had been feeling that he was going to be called as the next  Stake President.  He produced a notebook with impressions he had received about the stake and what was needed.  He wanted to leave the next day for the Memphis temple to receive further assurance that this was the Lord's will.

When the call came the next week, I thought the presiding authorities would be interested in his experience.  They were, but they were not surprised.  They indicated that it is almost always the case.  The Lord prepares us to serve.

This is Tamara, the LDS woman I encountered last week in downtown Moscow.  She came to conference with her family.  We were able to introduce them to many other young LDS families in their area.  I am still amazed at the workings of the Lord in our lives.  I often wonder how much control we actually have.  Very humbling.

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