Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Spirit of God is truly burning...

As I sat in Sacrament meeting this morning in the Zelenograd Ward, trying to keep up with the fiery rendition of the opening song, "The Spirit of God, Like a Fire is Burning", I was  so focused on keeping up with the Russian words that it wasn't until the last verse that I looked around at the looks on the faces of the ward members around me and realized that they were truly singing their testimonies.

Beginning with the dedication of the Kirtland, Ohio temple in 1836, this song of the restoration has been sung in every temple dedication.  I have always felt my heart quicken when I hear or sing this song.  As I heard these powerful Russian voices belt it out, hardly looking at the book, I knew I was seeing the burning taking place.  These are people with deep, mature testimonies who love each other, the Lord and His Gospel.

Last week, we were moved by the baptism of a fine Russian soldier who had been taught by a fellow soldier the truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  They are stationed two hours away from the nearest church meetings but the missionaries were able to visit him for his initial lessons and many members skyped with him, adding their testimonies and helping with questions.  The joy on his face as he came up from the baptism water was beyond words.  He truly feels the love the Savior has for him and knows the power of the atonement in his life.

Our Relief Society lesson was taught with testimony and knowledge.  Olga has been a church member for about 15 years.
  I thought of my own sweet sister who, a few hours later would be teaching the exact same lesson to her ward in Kansas. All over the world, the teachings are the same.  Amazing.

I also just finished compiling the December newsletter for our CES ;missionary couples throughout Eastern Europe.  I have to share some of what they have accomplished.  I am so impressed by their efforts.
Like all LDS missionaries, these are volunteers who pay their own way to spend 1 1/2 to 2 years serving the youth  of the church.  They mostly work the "swing shift", staying up late teaching, loving, providing a safe  place for youth to gather and, of course, feeding the kids.  The joke is that CES stands for Cooking Every Second. .Not far from  the truth.     They work so hard.  They work closely with YSA Councils, building leadership for the future.  They also train and encourage native speaking volunteer teachers throughout their assigned area.

Some December highlights from our newsletter-
VLADIVOSTOK, RUSSIA- Our CES couple taught the students  to record their own histories and testimonies on "metal plates" made from poster paper covered with aluminum foil.  Inscribing tools were dulled toothpicks.  Two stories from Vladivostok:

1.  A young woman had been attending family home evening and Institute for months.  She knew she needed to be baptized as she was touched by the testimony of a recently returned missionary.

2.  A young man who was investigating the church came to the New Year's eve party for awhile then left to join his friends at another party.  He surprised everyone when he returned about 11:30, explaining that he much preferred the humble party with no drinking, smoking or immoral behavior at the Young Adults party.  He left a few days later for a short visit to the US and planned to read the Book of Mormon on the long flight.

KHARKOV, UKRAINE- Service was the theme for the Youth in Bulgaria.  Our missionary couple assisted them in purchasing, assembling, stitching and then helped them distribute dozens of quilts to the elderly in this very cold country.  Not easy work.

The Institute tree in Kharkov was decorated with small pictures of the life of Christ, mounted on shiny paper.  Testimonies of the young adults and missionaries were recorded on the back.

BULGARIA- The year ended with the young adults joining to complete their reading again of the Book of Mormon.  All of the Blulgarian member were challenged to read but the Young Adults wanted to end together, sharing testimony of the truth.

NIZHNY-NOVGOROD, RUSSIA-- Our couple and the YSA council planned Christmas dinner for 50, bought for 60, 120 showed up. Elder and Sister Jones kept praying for "loaves and fishes". and somehow it worked.  Miraculously, there was plenty and some to send home.  

VOLGOGRAD, RUSSIA  -Dec. 7 brought Seminary and Institute students together to commemorate the life of Joseph Smith.  Matching games helped the youth learn more about the Prophet of the Restoration.  A traditional Russian meal followed.

These are just a tiny taste of the burning fire that is going forth, bringing the joy of the gospel to the children of God throughout the earth.  We are blessed to see a small part.

The fire is burning for those who choose to see it.  We pray we can keep up with all that God expects us to do to bring about His purposes.

I felt the symbolismc as we sang "The Spirit of God"...I stumbled through to the end, catching up with the rest of the congregation  with the words, "Ameen and Ameen!"

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