Sunday, January 19, 2014

Following the path...

Winter has hit Moscow in earnest and our rosy cheeks and steamy breath attest to the sub zero air.  We feel so Russian!  As we waited for the bus this morning, I felt grateful for the beavers who sacrificed their lives so that I could inherit this all-enveloping coat!  I didn't buy it so  please spare me the animal rights argument.  Besides, we don't eat hamburgers.   For Moscow winters, there is nothing better.  I will happily pass it on when we leave.  Not much need in Arkansas.

We are also grateful, daily, for these unseen hands who brave the frigid early morning air to remove the new layers of snow and scatter salt crystals on the sidewalks and roads, making it easier for all of us to get where we need to go, safely.   I thought of this today as we walked to the
church from the bus stop.

We started off on a wide boulevard, cleared by big machines...

Then a broad sidewalk, made smooth by giant shovels,

and finally the well-worn foot path, leading to the chapel...

and finally, our chapel (yes, some folks drive)...

As we carefully followed the little-used path, compared to the boulevard, I was again grateful for those who went before, physically but especially spiritually, showing me and those I love the path we will all need to follow as we seek to become one with our Father in Heaven and His precious Son, Jesus Christ.  
"Strait is the gate...narrow the way"
"Follow thou me'

I truly love yoga.  I love my practice and I love teaching.   I am often asked about the spiritual underpinnings of yoga and, as much as I love it, it is not the gospel, 
Yoga helps calm our too-busy minds, helps us breathe deeply, opens up our joints and makes us stronger but all of this is a means to an end, not an end in itself.

The discipline of my practice has allowed me to more fully feel the love that my Heavenly Father has for me.  As I focus on that love, I feel complete, seeking only a continuation of that love. My prayers deepen, scriptures come alive and I want only to serve Him well.  

The peace and joy we feel in our missionary work fills our hearts to overflowing.   

 To help others feel that love, hopefully radiating from us, is our every prayer.  Whether i in our mission relationships, riding the metro or bus, shopping or helping out in the ward or teaching yoga, we want to t
We love this scripture "Hold up your light that it may shine unto the world.  Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up" 3 Nephi 18:24

We love this opportunity to hold up His light.   

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