Sunday, November 24, 2013

Today My Mother's Prophecy is Fulfilled

Sitting in Relief Society (women's organization) today,I am opening the hymn book.  Sister Nyoff, the chorister, tries valiantly to keep the sisters together but no one has a clue what the pitch or tempo might be for the opening song.  It is vocal chaos for awhile, then we get the hang of it.   Sis. Johnson, our one missionary who can play the keyboard is in Young Women's and no one else can help.
My mind jetted back to the tantrum I threw when my mother tried to nail me to the piano bench for yet another fruitless practice.  I love music and really wanted to play well but I refused to practice.  Then, this prophecy,"Someday, you will be on a mission in some country and  they will need someone to play and you won't be able to help!"  Did my 12 year old mind care?  Obviously not.  55 years later, again, Mom was right.  Not the first time.  I really can play a few hymns but not if there is  any pressure and they must be played VERY slowly.

Topic #2.-  Some have asked about how we really live here.  I think I will take it by topic.  I will start with the beginnings of our days.  After prayers, scripture study (alone & together), we tackle our workouts.We are having a great time walking this city.  All bundled, we head out into the morning air.  The length varies.  Saturdays are 2 hrs. or so.  Beautiful parks with great walking paths.  Last Saturday we found this beautiful little church in a new (to us) park.

Back in our cozy, warm apartment building.  Three times a week we then run the 17 flights of stairs 3 times, usually wearing headsets and listening to fun music.  Favorites-Trout Fishing in America, Beach Boys.  It totally wipes us out.

I follow with an hour or so of yoga  and Dick does some strengthening stuff.  Combined with the walking, walking, walking we do to get anywhere in Moscow, we are feeling great!
We  get in to the office about 9:30 or so.

Topic #3- How grateful I am for my knowledge of prayer and the ability all of us have to talk to our Heavenly Father at any time and about anything, knowing that prayers are heard and answered.  As the sister missionaries and I were teaching Irina (the sweet woman who wanted to give me her earrings.  By the way, in the many times I have been with Irina since, she always wears those earrings.  She was giving me her ONLY earrings) she told us how she prays. In the religion in which she was raised, prayers are at set times and are read in a language she does not understand.  As we talked, she was so excited to learn that she can actually communicate at any time with a loving God and just pour out her heart.  We explained how to feel and listen for answers.  She was touched and happy.  She told us how her life has been totally changed by what she is learning about this true gospel.  I know there are no coincidences.  Irina was supposed to become my good forever friend.  I love her.  How blessed we are!

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