Sunday, November 10, 2013

Moscow Stake Conference

For my non-Mormon friends, an explanation.  Our church organization is divided geographically.  As individual congregations (wards) are formed, they are organized into Stakes. Usually between 8-12 of these congregations. Picture in your mind the strength of stakes securely anhoring a tent into the ground for strength and stability.  Each stake is named for the geographic area.  Having a stake in an area is an indication of the growth and maturity of the church in that area.  It is a accomplishment and a huge help in moving the work of the Lord forward.  Twenty years ago there were no Latter Day Saints in East Europe, now there are over 42,000.  Amazing.

Two years ago the Moscow, Russia stake was formed.  Twice a year a conference is held, bringing all of the members together as a group to receive instruction from church leaders.  This past weekend was our conference.

Saturday night was an adult session with guidance from our stake presidency and area leaders. Even through our headsets, we could feel the familiar messages of faith, love and testimony.  The room was packed with strong, faithful saints of all generations.  It had the same spirit of stake conferences we have attended anywhere.

 Sunday consisted of a telecast from church headquarters in Salt Lake City.  Elder Bruce D. Porter, one of the speakers is a fluent Russian speaker (we can only dream of speaking that well).  He was a counselor in the East Europe Presidency in 1996 in a very dark time for Russia.  The atheistic communist government had fallen and everything was in upheaval.  Food was very scarce and basic survival was a challenge.

As Elder Porter  related in his talk, as he was being driven through the streets of Moscow, his gaze fell on thousands of small, lighted windows in the lines of never-ending high rises. Much like our building and the one across from us, pictured here.   He found himself in prayer for the dark, sorrowful city.

As he prayed, he began to to catch a new vision.  He saw the whole city alive with the love of God.  He sensed the workings of the spirit on each person, blessing them and preparing them for the coming of the Gospel into their city.  It was a powerful witness of the love and care that God has for each of His children.

We are blessed to have a tiny part in that great design and unfolding purpose.  We see that God is truly no respecter of persons.  He will never leave us comfortless.  As Paul reminds us, "he be not far from every one of us".

We pray daily that we might be of service in helping these people we love so much find the joy and peace that the Gospel brings.

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