Sunday, March 23, 2014

Every night at 10:00

As tensions increase in the area, saints find ways to unify their faith.  All of us in the East Europe Area are being asked by our Priesthood leaders to unite in prayer for world leaders in pursuit of peace and love.

Every night at 10:00 Moscow time we all join in prayer to ask for the Lord's intervention in world affairs.  What power we find as we come together in faith.

 For Russian  Latter Day Saints, the relationship with Ukraine is particularly tender.  Many Russians served missions in Ukraine and Ukrainians served in Russia.  Lots of intermarrying.
Now, for many, their national loyalty is being questioned.  Thankfully, Latter Day Saints are rising above this.

The Keiv Temple is dear to the hearts of all saints.  Finding a way to build a temple here in Moscow is difficult so the Keiv Temple is our temple.  Many saints attend monthly, some even more often.

Svetlana, a sweet sister who works in our office prepared for her monthly visit to the temple with trepidation and more than a little fear.  She had heard that it wasn't easy for Russian speakers to get around in Keiv these days.

As usual, the Lord's servants are inspired as temple work continues.  The Keiv Stake President has asked for the names and travel schedules of all those coming to the temple.  Members of the priesthood are there to meet the trains and escort the saints safely to the temple.  The love that is shared by faithful saints transcends nationalities.

Svetlana and all we have talked to who have attended recently testify to the sacred, calm spirit in the temple.  Hearts are touched, prayers are answered and love for others increased.
Russians, Ukrainians, Bulgarians and Belorussians join together with unity of faith and love.
The work for loved ones continues, covenants are made and eternal families are created.

 The temple is a refuge from the hate, bigotry and chaos of the world.  It also serves as the only answer to the evils that cause so much pain.  Only by coming to the Lord Jesus Christ can true joy and peace prevail.
I have no idea how the Lord will work out these seemingly insurmountable challenges, but His purposes will prevail...

These youth and their leaders are strong and faithful.  They will be a force for good in guiding this work in East Europe.  We consider it a great privilege to learn from them.

Miracles occur daily.  We talked to a new member tonight who was able to stop drinking (borderline alcoholic), smoking (3 packs a day) and drinking coffee absolutely "cold turkey".
Missionaries and family members fasted and prayed for him and the challenge he had in making so many changes all at once.  He felt the power of the Lord as he did it.
 He knows the Lord is aware of him and his needs.  His faith is increasing daily.  We are so proud of him!  We love this work.

I love this Russian artist's depiction of the love of the Savior for these dear Russian people.

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