Saturday, September 14, 2013

Steeped in History

We are  reminded daily how much has happened and continues to happen here.  Last week was the annual International band festival at Red Square.  Bands from all over the world, Japan, South Korea, Switzerland, China, England, and many others performed.  The finale of the nightime performance, all of the bands were on the field, over a thousand strong.  They played Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture.  I had to brush up on my history and I found that he wrote the piece about 60 years after the event. it is a musical depiction of Napoleans invading army.  The much smaller Russian army was joined by citizens but they were greatly outnumbered by the French.  The Czar called on the citizens of Russia to pray.  They  burned much of the city of Moscow to deny the invaders food and winter quarters.  The music includes the battle, Russian folk hymns and the french La Marsellaise.  All of that is brought into the piece.  The booming of the 5 cannons, lights on St. Basils, which Napolean fully intended to destroy was chilling.  So amazing to be here.

We are even more impressed with the example and testimonies of these wonderful people, many still so young in years and experience in the gospel.  A group of our young adult friends were traveling to a distant city (they are all distant cities).  Transportation delays caused them to arrive after all of the public transportation was shut down.   They could not afford a taxi and were without means to get to the hotel where they had reservations.  As it happened, one of the group was acquainted with a wonderful priesthood leader, an Area Seventy, who lived in this city.  He called him and he said, "Okay, I will come get you, but it is going to cost you.  Not in money, but it you will pay."
 As he drove them to the hotel, he explained the fee.  He committed each of them to read the Book of Mormon in 3 weeks, looking specifically for references to "the Power of God".  As they discovered that power and what God is capable and willing to do for each of us, they then would write an essay and send the essay to him.  This wonderful man was deep into his own scripture study when the call came from the stranded youth so he was inspired to challenge them.
The young people are about halfway through their reading and each of them is receiving individual revelation on what God can do for them.  We see powerful teaching every day here.

We are enjoying a sweet friendship with a dear Russian family.  Sergei is our boss, also our bishop and his darling wife, Elena is a yoga buddy.  We finally have children climbing all over us.  We have so missed it.  These lively girls, ages 8 and 4 are adorable.  We love having them for dinner and applauding the children's newest tricks.
We feel so blessed to have this opportunity to serve and help build the Lord's kingdom here in East Europe.  This gospel is so true.  We know that through Jesus Christ's atonement,  we can learn and grow and live with Him and be with our dear family forever.  That is all that matters. 

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