Monday, November 3, 2014

No More Strangers or Foreigners

With the arrival of Elder and Sister Goodell this week, we are wrapping up our missionary service.  Our luggage is bulging.  Not with clothes, shoes, etc.  We have given most of that away.  We are carrying back home mementos, concert ticket stubs, travel take-aways and so many gifts, many hand made by our forever friends in East Europe.  As excited as we are to see family and friends, I can't stop crying.

I love the Book of Mormon.  I know that the Prophet Joseph Smith was guided by God to bring these ancient writings to us, in our day, that we may come to Christ.

 A particular story has application for us. In the book of Alma, a group of Nephite missionaries, (4 brothers), left their comfortable royal lineage to preach the gospel of Christ to their enemies, the Lamanites.  Not an easy task.  Persecutions, deprivations all over the place.

  Decades into their service, they expressed the great love they had for these good people, their former enemies,  and the gratitude they felt.
"how many of them are brought to behold the marvelous light of God!...we have been made instruments in the hands of God to bring about this great work" (Alma 26:3)  He goes on to reflect on the "dearly beloved brethren who have so dearly beloved us." (v.9)

As children, we all knew that Russians were our enemies.  Political differences were so deeply entrenched that we just assumed that we could have no connection to these people.  We couldn't have been more wrong!

  We are leaving big chunks of our hearts right here. We have been wrapped in these huge "Russian Bear" arms from the moment we arrived.  We have been welcomed into their homes, fed royally (so many different ways to make Borscht!),  hugged, sung to, and "dearly loved"
 Every prayer in the future will include supplication to God for the gospel to move forward, bringing light and truth to these dear people in East Europe.  

As is true anywhere, we have witnessed the joy that comes from living the gospel.  Observing families, bound by sacred temple covenants, teaching and nurturing their children in truth, we know the future is bright. Although most of our young people are the first members of the church in their families, Our Institute classes are seeing more and more young adults who were born in the covenant, meaning that their parents were sealed in the Lord's holy temple before they were born.  That is amazing for a church that has only been established in this area for less than a quarter century.  This is how the kingdom grows.

All 12 tribes of Israel are right here.  As part of the restoration of all things, Israel will be gathered
back into the covenant made to Abraham.  We see the same covenant-keeping spirit here that we have seen all over the church.  Every blessing is here.

Ivan is one who felt the call of the Master and followed that light.  A former monk, Ivan lives several teeth-chattering kilometers from the nearest branch of the church, far from Moscow.  As a child, in Crimea, Ivan remembers the impression of two enthusiastic missionaries who shook his hand.  He felt light and goodness.  He remembered the name and any years later he found that he could learn about the church, read the Book of Mormon and many other faith building books, all online.  He felt again the same light and truth he experienced as a child.

Ivan began Skyping sessions with our office missionaries.  When permission was granted for Ivan's baptism, the elders traveled by train to the nearest village.  Church members packed them  into their small car for the bumpy road to Ivan's home.  A frigid night on the floor of Ivan's "banya" didn't dampen the joy of the coming baptism.  As the sun rose, ice was chopped, making a small opening for the ordinance to take place.  Neither Elder Jones nor Ivan felt the heart-stopping cold as they entered the water.  The spirit was powerful in this far corner of the Lord's kingdom.

That's the way it happens, folks, this gospel is true and we have been blessed to see it from a different place.  "No more strangers or foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God".

This has been the adventure of a lifetime, and in "Mormon speak", we have made eternal friendships.  One of our Moscow young adult friends is serving as a missionary in a country we visited.  She was surprised to see us, "This is what heaven will be!  We will see those we love and we never need to let go," she exclaimed with big hugs.

It has also been tons of fun to share this experience with so many other missionaries.  The young ones, with their excitement in service and their matchless faith and the older ones like us, who add decades of experience and perspective.  We are united in testimony and assurance that we are doing the work of the Lord.

How we love these people and this land...

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