For those of you who are unfamiliar with the structure of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, we believe that Jesus Christ leads and guides this church through a living prophet. The current prophet, Thomas S. Monson, The senior member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles is always ordained to this office. So we know who the next prophet will be, and the next, unless the Lord takes them before. So easy. No politicking, no voting. God makes the choice and we sustain that choice.
Twice a year, in April and October, Latter Day Saints gather to hear the counsel from Priesthood and Auxiliary leaders who have been called to guide us. Most of us watch the proceedings from Salt Lake City on satellite television or the internet. It is a sacred time for each of us as we receive inspired words to guide us. The witness of the Holy Ghost seals these messages in our hearts and we know what we need to do to become better servants of Jesus Christ.
Because of time differences, the saints in Eastern Europe watch at different times. It takes a few days for translation to be in place so next weekend will be their gathering time for Conference instruction. These faithful saints can hardly wait to witness the workings of the spirit in their own lives as well as others who earnestly seek to do the will of the Savior.
Because we can watch it in English, we have been able to already see most of the proceedings and our hearts are full of gratitude for all that we have learned. There is truth on the earth. God's power is real and is guiding the affairs of His Church. We are led by a living Prophet. We can navigate the difficult journey through this life with peace and joy and return again to our Heavenly Father with our family.
We are all needed to help one another along on this journey. I am so grateful for the sure knowledge I have that these things are true!
Because of Christ's atonement, as we choose to do our best, no matter our past, we are enveloped in his divine love and help. We are never without hope! I love it!
We were in St. Petersburg this week, training Elder and Sister Romney, a newly arrived CES missionary couple. They are wonderful, as are all of our East Europe missionaries. While there, we became acquainted with a delightful Canadian missionary couple, french speakers, who left their family in Montreal to help the good saints in St. Petersburg find joy in uniting their families and bringing all to Christ.
Mormons believe that those who were unable to learn about and accept the Savior in this life will have the opportunity in the next. Family members have a role to play. To us, we will never be happy unless we are united with all of our loved ones. We are commanded to seek after and bring together all those we love. Thus us love for Family History. The Lord's Great Plan of Happiness is for everyone!
Here in Russia, familial ties are very strong and run through many generations. Knowing of God's plan for all of us brings great joy! Elder and Sister Carter are enjoying bringing this aspect of the gospel to the loving people in St. Petersburg.
We were also thrilled to meet so many enthusiastic and faithful young people who love learning and living gospel truths! We observed inspired teaching and learning.
Technology again enabled us to bring the BYU-Utah State football game into our Moscow home. As we did last year, friends joined us for dinner and the hoped-for celebration. Just like last year, BYU went down in flames. Predictably, the guys were glued to the game and the women sat around and talked. We will miss these great friends we have enjoyed here in Moscow.
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