We learned from our office staff that May Day is a huge deal in Russia, as it is in many parts of the world. The honoring of workers and military heroes begins on May 1 and continues until May 9. Since our office was closed on May 1, we invited the Moscow senior couples to our office for a brunch, followed by a brisk hike through the woods behind the building. It was fun. We fed 20 some people. Lots of waffles, hash browns, eggs on toast, all the usual stuff.
I didn't take pictures but others did. I will try to hunt some down.
What was really amazing on May 1 was the patriotic fervor of the Moscovites. They have not had a May Day parade since Soviet days and they were thrilled to celebrate and show their love for their country. Red Square was packed with dignitaries, families, soldiers and babushkas. A warm and sunny day greeted these proud people.
Parents are anxious to further a love for their native land in their children. We all want to feel pride in our home and country. These people want the same things we all want. We pray for their peace and prosperity.
My proudest moment today was playing with this sweet baby during Relief Society so that she quickly fell asleep on her mother's lap. The blessings of wearing lots of fun jewelry. She would only come to me. Her mother, Sveta, is our RS President. I love her and so many others in our Zelenograd Ward.
Our bishop and friend, Bishop Nabatnikov shared a sweet story with Elder Pierson today. When he joined the church, 20 years ago, he was nurtured in the gospel by a wonderful branch president who loved him and guided him in gaining strength in knowledge and testimony. At the dedication of the Kiev Temple, Bishop Nabatnikov was given a white handkerchief by his friend, the Branch Pres. to remember his participation in the dedication of the temple.
The Bishop's friend passed away this week and he was asked by the widow to assist in dressing the body, preparatory to burial. He told Elder Pierson that it was one of the most powerful spiritual experiences he can remember as he placed sacred garments on the body of his friend. He then took the handkerchief from the temple dedication and gave it back to the widow as he shared with her how much her husband's love and testimony had influenced his life and decisions he had made. It was a tender moment for both of them.
This is our Stake Presidency. Each one has a fascinating story to tell of conversion to the gospel. The Lord is in charge of this work. They and so many others heard the message of the restoration and knew it was true. We sustain them with all our hearts.
So interesting today in Fast and Testimony meeting how the spirit bore testimony to us of the strength and truth of what was being said, even though we understood very little. I love watching the faces of these sincere people as they talk. My knowledge of Russian is limited but I know that they know that the gospel is true. Spirit speaks to spirit and testifies of truth. Witness is borne of the power of the Savior's atonement and the reality of Priesthood keys. I know this is true and so do so many others. The spirit speaks to us individually.
This knowledge is my most precious possession.